Chapter 9

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Cristiano’s POV:

I woke up the next morning from the sound of the doorbell going off downstairs. Ever since Nicole let slip last night about Fabio dropping her home from the restaurant, I haven’t been able to think straight. Why she let him give her a lift back and not Sergio or Mesut I do not know. Did she not take in the fact that he had stroked her leg earlier on in the night, causing me to leave without her? I just don’t know what’s happening between the two of us anymore. It just seems that Fabio is getting what he’s always wanted, for Nicole and I to split up so he can worm his way back in there. But as hard as I try there is always something new tearing us apart and it always refers back to Fabio. And to make things all that much worse we aren’t even on speaking terms at the moment after Nicole admitting that to me, the fact being that once again we found ourselves arguing over him again just after we had finally made up. But oh no, back to square one we have gone…again.

Getting myself out of bed, I grabbed the nearest pair of tracksuit bottoms and quickly pulled them on over my boxers. As I started walking towards the stairs I heard a familiar voice talking to Nicole downstairs, at this point I am just far too tired to realise who it is exactly. But as I began walking down the closer, moving nearer to that very same familiar voice, the husky tint gave it all away. It was Sergio.

I walked towards both Nicole and Sergio who were standing by the front door. By the looks of things Nicole already had plans for today as she was stood in front of me fully clothed. Well there goes my chance of trying to sort things out with her now.

“Oh look who’s finally awake.” Sergio laughed as he pointed in my direction. Nicole turned round for a split second but soon turned away as she saw me looking directly at her.

I shot Sergio a smile. “What brings you here anyway?” I questioned, not wanting to sound rude. Leaning on the wall beside me I awaited for Sergio’s reply.

“Well I just wanted to see if you’re alright after what happened last night at the restaurant. You seemed really angry about something as you stormed out and it’s not really like you to get like that. So I thought I’d come and see what it was all about.” Sergio replied. Nicole stood there like a statue, not moving a muscle as I know that she could probably already tell without looking at me that just the thought of last night will be making my blood boil.

The three of us all stood there in silence, Sergio looking a little confused as of course he had no idea what was going on. “And on that note I’m going out.” Nicole turned to look at me for a split second before walking towards the front door.

I pulled her back softly by her arm. “Well where are you going? I thought we could maybe spend the day together or something…” I suggested.

Nicole raised her eyebrows at me as she turned to look in my direction again. “What after how you acted last night? I don’t think so. And if you must know I’m just going out to clear my head.” And without any hesitations she opened the front door and walked out of the house before shutting the door behind her.

“What was all that about?” Sergio asked, looking confused. I sighed in frustration and walked into the front room and Sergio soon followed behind me.

I took a seat on the sofa as we reached the living and Sergio did the same. Bringing my face to my hands I stayed like that for a few seconds, thinking about everything that has gone on recently.

“What’s the matter with you? And by the looks of things you and Nicole aren’t on the best of terms either…”  I turned to look at Sergio as I removed my face from my hands.

“Fabio, that’s what.” I shot back at him. Just by hearing or saying his name it just makes my blood boil and I know that no matter how hard I try to tell Nicole what he is doing she will not believe me. To her he is innocent. If he is really that innocent then why was he touching her leg? Clearly just to push my buttons.

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