Chapter 29

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Cristiano's POV:

Grasping the steering wheel tight in my hands I let out a deep breath full of anger, trying as hard as I possibly could to focus on the task ahead instead of replaying the words which had come from Nicole’s mouth over and over in my head. How Fabio could even say such a thing to her after all he has already caused really is beyond me, angering me to the point where to this moment now I am no longer going to be held responsible for my way of actions. Again it is all Fabio’s fault as to why I am burning in anger, it is down to him in not grasping that ever so simple concept of leaving Nicole and I be that he is going to pay for all he has caused both of us recently. So this time around, I really am hoping beyond praying that nobody stops me.

The last time around was a lucky escape for Fabio with what I had coming to him, I mean all back then I got out of my crashed car and still was infuriated enough to run the extra mile to his house to give him what it was he deserved. But I was unable to, the repercussions of that crash took it out of me and I was unable to go much further. Collapsing in a heap on his door step and waking up in hospital, broken bones, cuts and scratches all the aftermath of what it was that had happened back during that day. And even though I am not exactly 100% fit and healthy as of this moment now I can no longer hold myself back, he has crossed both Nicole and I one time too many and he will pay, even if it causes my injury to last much longer now.

Finally arriving outside the house of my destination – Fabio’s – I got myself out of the car in a heartbeat once removing my car keys, locking the vehicle behind me as I made my way up and over across the driveway to his front door. Smashing my fist harder than ever before on the front door I waited rather impatiently and with anger flooding through me for some sort of a response on the other side, having to smash my fist once again against the front door as I tried to get a response this time. And luckily enough for me I did, as right in that moment it was led for me to watch as the door opened, producing Fabio on the other side of it. “Cris? I have to admit, you were the last person on my list of people to turn up at my house again.”

Smirking at me before bringing the bottle of water he had in his hands up to his lips it really did not take him long to take a sip, but still that smirk evident upon him in doing so. And if I am to be entirely honest with you it was not helping my anger matters by any means at all, if I anything it only made them worse. Seeing him there looking all smug me, acting as if he did not have the slightest idea in why I had all of a sudden turned up here, it was all nothing but an act. An act to rile me up and push my buttons, the buttons which he knows affect me the most. Let me tell you, it was working, and I really was reaching my tether with him now.

With that I immediately pushed passed him with force, letting myself into his home. And all before I knew where I was going I found myself to be in his front room, pacing the distance of the flooring until seeing Fabio appear out the corner of my eye. Looking at me with such a smug face, smirking and leaning against the doorframe which made me stop dead right then in my tracks. “You need to leave me and Nicole alone Fabio, we’re turning a new leaf in our relationship now and we don’t need you interfering anymore.” As I spoke those words in an ever so deep and raised voice I looked at him, noticing as right in that instance Fabio rolled his eyes at me in response. Again, bringing his water bottle up to his lips to drink out from it.

“Oh Cris, it really is the same old Cristiano with you isn’t it?” Smirking at me as Fabio pushed down on the lid of his water bottle he threw it to the side, crossing his arms up against of his chest as we both stared at one another in an intense manor of way. “You can come now and try to threaten me as much as you want but I think we both know I’m not going to listen to a thing you tell me, you can do whatever you want and I’ll still find a way to get to Nicole.” As those words came out from his lips he uncrossed his arms, moving them back to hold just an ever so small fraction off his back and more down by his waist. “I was Nicole’s first, her first real love and the first to make her feel so loved and cared for. You’ll always be second Cris.”

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