Chapter 12

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Cristiano’s POV:

I woke up to the sound of a door slamming shut. On opening my eyes I found a load of wires attached to me from the machine beside me which was continuously beeping. This really wasn’t helping the splitting headache I had. Turning beside me I found Nicole, her fingers tangled around mine. As she saw me wake up a smile appeared across her lips and from what I could make out a sign of relief as well.

“Finally you’re awake.” She spoke while rubbing the outside of my hand with her fingers. “How are you feeling?” She asked.

I went to sit up on the bed I was laying in but a shooting pain which travelled from all around my body and up to my head soon stopped me. My head was causing me quite some pain so I immediately brought my free hand up to it and clutched it. On bringing my hand up to my head, I found a bandage wrapped around it. I really would hate to see what I looked like right now. “Besides my whole body including my head hurting, yeah I’m fine.” I shrugged, smiling at Nicole. Again I tried to pull myself up from the bed again but as before I failed. So I just gave in.

“Well I’m not surprised with what happened and everything.” She explained, a sense of worry was clearly visible in her voice. “But at least you’re here now.” She smiled.

I smiled back at her before letting out grunt of pain from my body as I moved a little in the position I was in. “Nicole I’m so sorry about everything that’s happened recently.” I let out in between grunts of pain. By the look on Nicole’s face she was worried, really worried in fact.

“Do you want me to go and get someone?” She asked worried while beginning to get up from the chair she was sitting on. Our fingers still tangled together.

“No Nicole honestly I’m fine. It’s bound to hurt anyway with what happened.” I said as I tried to get Nicole to sit back down on the chair. Eventually it worked and she was soon back beside me again.

“Are you sure? I mean maybe they can give you something for the pain to make it more bearable.” Still worry was visible on her voice. I love seeing Nicole like this and everything. You know worried, because it still shows that throughout everything that has happened between us she still cares.

“Honestly I’m fine. I don’t need anything for the pain.” I replied. She soon remained calm and stopped threating. Although she did let out a small sigh, but I just ignored it. “Anyway like I was saying, I’m sorry about everything. There is no way that I should have acted the way I have recently towards you. There was no need for it.” I apologised as I formed a stronger grip on our fingers than before.

Another smile appeared across Nicole’s lips. “You’re not the one that should be apologising. It should be. I should have listened to you about the whole Fabio situation from the beginning because if I hadn’t then none of this would have happened. You wouldn’t be lying here in a hospital bed in pain if I had just listened to you in the first place. Cris, I’m so sorry.” As she spoke I noticed her eyes beginning to tear up. This really did break my heart; the fact that she blames herself for this. Because if it wasn’t for Fabio then none of this would have happened and Nicole and I wouldn’t have had any of these pathetic arguments we’ve had recently.

“Nicole don’t blame yourself none of this is your fault. It’s all down to-“ I wasn’t able to finish my sentence as the door of the hospital room opened and in walked Mesut and Sergio. But soon after they walked in Fabio soon joined them and I felt my blood begin to boil throughout my body as I saw him enter the room. My grip on Nicole’s hand got a lot tighter than before and she mouthed the words ‘not here’ to me but I don’t know if I was going to be able to control my anger. “What’s he doing here?” I asked in anger while pointing in Fabio’s direction.

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