Chapter 6

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Nicole’s POV:

Cristiano and I arrived at the restaurant. I could see Mesut, Sergio and Fabio patiently for the two of us to get out of the car. Surprise, surprise, Cristiano and I are still not talking. He may have apologised to me a multiple of times but there was no way that I was going to forgive him this easily. I mean would you forgive your boyfriend straight away for practically accusing you of wanting your ex back? I didn’t think so.

I got out of the car and I presume that Cristiano followed behind me. I wasn’t paying any attention to him what so ever right now so I wasn’t one hundred percent sure if he had followed me or not. Obviously he had though.

“It’s good to see you.” Mesut greeted me as he wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up and swinging me around a little. This is the type of bond Mesut and I have; we have the constant banter between the both of us but we can also be nice to each other occasionally. You could say that he’s like a brother to me, we are so close.

“It’s good to see you too.” I replied as I smiled up at him. Mesut gave me a quick kiss on both cheeks and I did the same. If Cristiano is going to get mad at Fabio for how he ‘acted’ around me then I don’t see why he doesn’t get annoyed at Mesut… Oh yeah I know why, it’s because ‘Fabio cannot be trusted around me’ for some bizarre and stupid reason. It’s pathetic.

“You alright Nicole? You look nice.” Sergio commented on my appearance as he hugged me. I know I have said before that I’m not really too keen on Sergio, but the more I get to know him the more I realise how nice and genuine he is, I completely read him wrong.

“Yeah I’m good, aw thanks, so do you.” I complimented him as I quickly hugged Sergio back. He smelt so good… like really good, it was like heaven in a scent.

I walked over to Fabio slowly, knowing that Cristiano’s eyes were following mine and his every move. I could feel his eyes looking at both Fabio and I, it was quite weird actually, spooky in fact.

“You look beautiful.” Fabio complimented me as he pulled me towards him for a quick hug. I shut my eyes as soon as those words had escaped his mouth as I knew that there was no way that Cristiano would be happy with that comment at all. He is definitely mad right now. I can just feel it. But there is no way that I am going to let him ruin my night with his childish ways.

“Thank you, you look nice too.” I complimented him back as I hugged him back, making sure that it didn’t last too long as I knew that would wind Cristiano up even more if possible. It would be rude not to compliment him back right? But he did look good so I was just stating the truth…

The five of us began to walk into the restaurant. Mesut, Fabio and I were walking at the front and Sergio and Cristiano not far behind us. We were just about to walk in the door when Cristiano pulled me back by my hand. I automatically rolled my eyes as he done this, what could he possibly want now? “Nicole can I talk to you please?” He asked, looking worried and concerned over something. I nodded in agreement as we stood outside of the restaurant; tell Mesut, Fabio and Sergio that we would join them in a minute.

“What do you want now Cristiano?” I sighed as I crossed my arms at him. He couldn’t just let us have one night out without having to ‘talk’ to me about something. Knowing him it’s just some stupid little comment or something.

“Nicole stop it.” He demanded. “Can you just do me a favour and not sit next to Fabio at dinner please? Because I just have this weird feeling that even though we are together he will try something on with you.” Cristiano begged. Is he really being this stupid? There is no way that Fabio would try something on with me, we are history and nothing will EVER between Fabio and I.

“Are you seriously that stupid? Why would he try something on with me…just stop it Cris, you are acting all weird about this whole situation now. Nothing will ever happen between Fabio and I, we are history. You’ve got to trust me.” I explained to him in hope that once he had heard that he will understand.

“I trust you, of course I do. It’s just him that I don’t trust and-“ I didn’t let him finish. I let out an almighty sigh and stormed into the restaurant. There was no way that I was going to stand there and let him go on and on about how he doesn’t trust Fabio around me, not going to happen.

As I walked over to where the rest of the boys were I saw that the only two places left to sit was next to Fabio, there were two seats there and Mesut was on the other side next to the spare chairs. I don’t know what was going through my mind right now but I just automatically went and sat next Fabio, I don’t know why though, probably through anger towards Cristiano knowing me.

“What’s the matter?” Fabio asked softly as I sat down next to him. I knew I couldn’t tell him because it would just make an awkward atmosphere tonight and that is the last thing that I want. I just want tonight to be a nice night out, no drama no nothing.

“Nothing, everything’s fine.” I lied as I shot him a fake smile. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Mesut looking over at me, I knew full well that he knew something was up; he can just read me by the facial expressions I pull. It’s just impossible for me to ever lie to him.

Luckily Mesut didn’t ask me what was up, he just stayed quite. It’s for the best really.

Cristiano arrived a few moments later and as soon as he saw that I was sitting next to Fabio he stopped in his tracks. I sunk in my seat instantly at the reaction on his face; he was not happy. This is going to be one long night…

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