Chapter 10

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Nicole’s POV:

As soon as I saw that picture of the two of us placed on the cabinet I felt a lump begin to form in my throat. Why he still has this picture on show around his house I do not know, we broke up a while ago so therefore he was no reason what so ever to still have it. You don’t see me carrying a picture of the two of us in a purse anymore do you? No, it was removed and burnt a few days after we broke up and is now replaced with a picture of Cristiano and I in Ibiza.

“Can I get you a drink?” Fabio asked, bringing my attention back to him and away from my thoughts. I guess that’s the best thing really as knowing what I’m like I’ll only over think and make this whole situation a whole lot worse than it originally is and most likely get myself worked up over it all. I turned to look at Fabio; he was standing just in the doorway of the front room leaning against the woodwork on the side of the doorframe, his eyes almost fixed onto mine. I nodded in agreement and with that he left the living room and made his way into the kitchen.

As soon as he left the room I got myself up and walked towards that very same picture. I took it in my hands and began looking at it. I was right, we really were so happy together and it just makes me question what happened and why everything seemed to go downhill between the two of us. Oh yeah that’s it, the bad side of Fabio came out, the side I had never seen before. The cheating scumbag side of him. I placed the picture back down from where it previously was and made my way back over to the sofa to sit back down.

Fabio eventually returned into the front room and sat down beside me. “Here.” He smiled as he handed me a glass of wine. “I know just how much you used to like this wine so I figured you might want it.” He shrugged, placing the bottle of wine on the floor and taking a sip of his glass.

I took the wine from him and took a quick sip of it also. He’s right, when Fabio and I were together this wine used to be the only sort of alcohol in which I would drink, it’s crazy how he still remembers though. “Thank you.” I smiled before placing the wine glass in between both of my hands.

“So what did you want to talk about anyway?” He asked, a confused look appeared on his face. Is he being serious? Does he honestly not know why I’m here, has he not even realised what he’s been doing recently is coming between Cristiano and I? But as I examined his face that much more I realised that he knew exactly why I was here as that very same smirk appeared on his face as it was when he answered the door.

“Don’t play games with me Fabio; you know exactly why I’m here.” I started, but still he looked at me with that confused look on his face, a look which I can easily tell is just a cover up. He shrugged as if to say that he had no idea at all. “Well has it ever come to your attention that what you’re doing is tearing Cristiano and I up?” I continued.

He looked down at the floor below us, obviously coming to realisation what he’s actually been doing recently isn’t right. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I haven’t done anything.” He shrugged before taking a mouthful of wine.

I stared at him with my mouth gawping wide open and my eyes also open wide. “You know what I can’t be bothered with this.” I started as I placed the glass of wine on the floor below me and got myself up. “I knew this was a bad idea even if Mesut didn’t think it would be, and I knew that you would just deny everything I said.” I continued as I pointed at him before beginning to make my way out of the living room. I heard movement come from behind and that was of course Fabio and I felt myself being pulled back by arm, just like he did in the car when he kissed me…

“Wait…Nicole don’t go.” He pleaded. I turned around to face him and released my arm from his hand.

“And why shouldn’t I? Because from the looks of things it was such a waste of my time coming here and quite frankly you don’t seem to want to admit that you’re wrong.” I explained before trying to make my way out of the doorway of the front room but again it was no use as he pulled me back again. This really isn’t going to work is it? As by the looks of things I’m not going to be able to leave this house.

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