Chapter 5

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Nicole’s POV: 

Cristiano and I were hardly speaking still since last night. Today I had gone shopping to by myself something for the dinner Fabio and Mesut had arranged for the two of them, Sergio, Cristiano and I. I had no idea what so ever how tonight would turn out as Fabio would obviously be there and the fact that Cristiano and I are barely speaking.

The only good thing about today was that I had found an amazing and perfect dress to wear later on. It was white and had one strap which went over my left shoulder. But the only downside was that when I showed Cristiano once I had come home he didn’t approve. He started going on and on about how he thinks it’s inappropriate for me to wear it when Fabio’s going to be around. And as expected after that comment from him we had yet again another argument, and yet again Fabio was brought into it. Cristiano really isn’t going to give up is he? I guarantee he will probably end up continuing with this until he gets proved right, when I leave him for Fabio. Which may I tell you will NEVER happen, he is my past for a reason and Cristiano is my future, the man which no matter how much we argue I still want to be with him.

I turned to the big clock on the wall as I sat on our bed. 5:05 read the time. That means that I only have an hour and fifty five minutes until we need to leave. After realising what the time was I automatically grabbed a towel from the radiator in the bedroom and headed to the bathroom so I could have a shower and hopefully actually be on time for something for the first time in my life.

Cristiano’s POV:

I was just getting out of the bathroom when Nicole was there standing outside, obviously waiting for me to finish up. She gave me a death stare, still obviously annoyed about last night and earlier today. But who can blame me for how I acted? I am one hundred and ten percent sure that if it was me getting along well with my ex and giving her a kiss on the cheek goodbye that Nicole would be as mad as I am right now about this whole situation. Perhaps even worse.

After our quite awkward approach towards each other I made my way up the stairs to get ready for the dinner tonight as Nicole entered the bathroom after me. I had no idea how tonight would pan out, I didn’t know how I would react if Nicole and Fabio acted the way they did yesterday towards each other tonight. Yes he is my friend, a really close friend in fact, but there is no way that I am going to let him take her away from me. She is mine and I love her far too much to just let her run back to him.

As I got myself up the stairs and into the bedroom I walked towards the wardrobe so I could find myself something to wear for tonight. I grabbed my brown Ralph Lauren long sleeved jumper and my dark blue jeans. As I got them out of the wardrobe I neatly placed them on the bed, making sure they didn’t crease or anything.

Once they were neatly placed on the bed I walked over to the mirror, grabbing my diamond studded earring and standing in the view of the mirror so I could place it perfectly in my ear without any trouble. I bent down and grabbed the hair gel which I always leave by the mirror and I began to start doing my hair. As I continued to do my hair I tried my hardest to make sure that it looked good, there would no way that I would leave this house if my hair doesn’t go right. I sound like such a girl right now don’t I?

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs once I had finished doing my hair and I politely moved out of the way from the view of the mirror so Nicole could start to get ready, I wasn’t very surprised that she didn’t thank me or anything as she isn’t talking me at that moment. If she carries on like this then tonight should be extremely eventful and knowing my luck I am going to be dealing with a very drunk Nicole later on.

Grabbing my clothes I placed on the bed I began to get ready. Removing the towel I had around my waist and replacing it with some white Calvin Klein boxers, some socks and my dark denim jeans. Then I slipped the long Ralph Lauren jumper over my head and began to straighten it down so there wouldn’t be any creases on it.

“How long are you going to be?” I asked Nicole as she continued to get ready. Luckily she had just finished drying her hair so was capable of hearing me speak to her.

I was surprised with her, she didn’t answer me she just shrugged her shoulders. She doesn’t really have any right to be mad at me in my opinion, the least she could do it answer me with words, not just shrug.

“Are you ever going to speak to me?” I moaned as I looked at her through the mirrors reflection. I could tell just by her facial features how mad she was getting right now, but that didn’t stop me at all.

“I will when you stop going on and on about Fabio Cris.” She shouted back to me. Wow, she really is so mad about this whole situation. So pathetic really.

“Yeah alright whatever.” I replied as I grabbed my shoes out of the wardrobe. There was no way that I was going to let her turn this into yet again another argument so I removed myself from the situation. I took my shoes with me and stormed out of the bedroom and made my way down the stairs and into the front room where I would wait for her to get ready.


It must have been about forty-five minutes, maybe even an hour; I’m not entirely sure the exact amount of time in which she took, but when she came down those stairs and into the front room where I was sat she took my breathe away. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

“Are you ready then?” I asked her as I stood up from the sofa. Grabbing the controller which was placed on the sofa I turned the television off with it and focused on her.

“Well what does it look like?” She rolled her eyes at me and left the front room, making her way into the hallway to obviously wait for me.

I walked into the kitchen quickly so I could grab my wallet and car keys in order for us to even get to the restaurant the boys had arranged for us to go to. Once I had got everything I needed I walked into the hallways where Nicole was waiting and I opened the front door for her as we both left the house.

We walked out to my parked car on our driveway, I tried to hold her hand but she didn’t seem like she was in the right mood to do so as she pulled her hand back from mine when I had tried. I sighed in annoyance and I unlocked the car so we could both get in.

“Nicole I’m sorry.” I admitted as we both got into the car. She didn’t reply, but I started the engine in hope that maybe eventually she would say something.

“I have nothing to say to you.” She answered back and directed her head so she wasn’t looking at me. This really is going to be one long night isn’t it?  

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