Chapter 35

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Nicole's POV:

The second in which the waiter had left us to it once we ordered our food I averted my gaze up to Cristiano and away from the menu I had just placed down in front of me, noticing all a large smirk pressed upon him. But who could blame him? Surely having a waiter to such of a fancy restaurant catch you and your boyfriend in the mince of a passionate kiss is sure to of had a reaction to you, and in this case, with Cristiano and I, that reaction was to be nothing other than a smirk. Showing our amusement with all in which had just happened. “You sure do know how to put the attention on us babe, I’ll tell you that now.” Continuing to smirk in a direction from me across the table, I shook my head, watching Cristiano sip his orange juice.

All I could do in some form of a response was to giggle and pick up my wine glass, taking just as Cristiano did a sip from it, my eyes glued onto that of his at all times. “It’s not my fault.” I smirked widely at proudly once finishing my mouthful of wine, placing the glass of it down in its place on the table. “I had no idea the waiter was even going to come over at that point, I don’t think I’ve ever been so embarrassed like I am now.” Shaking my head as I spoke those words I noticed and heard as Cristiano simply just continued to laugh, and it seemed to as if he was finding this all that much funnier than it should be. So with a jokingly but annoyed of a look upon me, I softly kicked him under the table. “And you can stop laughing as well too.”

“Oh come on babe.” Turning his smirk into such of a sense wider he continued to look over at me across the table, that childish but playful look plastered upon him. “You have to admit it was funny, just to see how awkward he seemed with us all through taking our orders was priceless if you ask me.” Shrugging his shoulders at me as he spoke I could not help other to let a small laugh slip my lips, agreeing with him in a sense. Ok, it was funny to see such of a sort of atmosphere of awkwardness upon the table, but the less funny thing has to be all of this embarrassment which I am continuing to feel. No one, I repeat no one, want to be in a situation such as this one, no matter how amusing it may be after a while has passed all by.

Continuing to shake my head as I constantly heard small rays of laughter coming from him in front of me I proceeded to take another sip of my wine, wanting to pace myself the best as I could due to the fact of what happened the last time I got drunk – ending up in hospital as a result of it. But as I placed my glass back down on the table again there was something that all of a sudden came to mind, something which I know Cristiano and I need to speak about. So with that I parted my lips slightly, trying to get the correct words out before starting then to speak to my boyfriend sat before me. “Cris, babe, I think now is the right for us to talk…”

But as I spoke he simply looked a little puzzled as to what it was I was meaning, a phase that I can best describe as confusion plastered upon him. “Talk? But what about, I don’t get what you’re meaning babe.” Still that same look of confusion was spread right across him, both of his eyebrows furrowed and pushing his head back slightly. And just from that look I was in of an obvious way to know he was not playing along, he did not have the slightest of ideas. So I in that moment explained further, telling him how we need to talk about what happened of a while ago with Fabio in order to get passed it properly. Where in response he sighed, with a nod of the head shortly after. “Right, yeah I think now is the best time to wipe it all clean.”

“I completely agree.” Looking at Cristiano continuously as I spoke those words I was to sigh, a loud sigh at that. Just from the thoughts of all I had done to him coming back to me again is enough to make me feel like shit, but despite all of that I know we need to get this all out and in the open. “I’m just so sorry for what I did to you Cristiano, I didn’t mean for things to go as far as they did with Fabio while you were in hospital. Honestly, three months on, and I’m still so ashamed in myself.” Sighing heavily as I spoke those words I looked down, biting on my lower lip in an attempt to keep my tears at bay. But as I did I was to feel Cristiano in that moment to hold my hand, caressing it softly from across the table as he clearly knew the state I was in. “I love you so much, more than anyone, yet I hurt you as much as I did.”

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