Chapter 31

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Nicole's POV:

Waking up the following morning due to the bright sun of Madrid glowing in through of the small gap made in between the curtain I groaned, scrunching my face up from the fact that I had been torn away from my paradise of dreaming. But I did not even think to open my eyes straight away as instead I reached out with my left hand across the bed beside me in search of Cristiano, although in doing so I could not seem to find even a single limb of his spread its way out across the bed beside me. Everything in my reach over on my right side was nothing other than thin air, there was no sign of a strong and muscular body beside me. So with that and a state of confusion over me, I opened my eyes up to look on Cristiano’s side of the bed.

And on doing so I came to terms with the fact that it was indeed empty, no sign of him other than the creased sheets of where he once lay. Bringing my hands up in balls to my eyes right in that moment I began rubbing them to become adjusted to the bright room around of me, but it hit me right in that moment. A conversation in which Cristiano and I had yesterday all of a sudden came back to me, a conversation with him explaining how he will have to leave early in the morning to attend an intense training session ahead of his current and ongoing rehabilitation due to his injury. So that, is the obvious reason he is not in bed with me now.

So letting a loud yawn escape from my lips I rolled over onto my back, stretching my whole body out as the satisfying feeling of all my limbs being stretched erupted inside my body in that moment of time. But in doing so I noticed something out the corner of my eyes which I was not expecting, it was Junior, sat up on the bed beside me on my left and looking at me with a big smile plastered upon my lips. At first I have to admit to you now that it did scare me a little, being watched, but as soon as I saw who it was an ever so sweet smile was then to make its way up across my lips. Just from seeing this adorable little boy in the morning is enough to make me happier than ever, to feel me with so much joy for the day ahead of me.

That is the thing with Junior which I have found ever since meeting him for the first time, it does not matter what sort of mood you may be in but whenever he is around there always will be a guaranteed smile upon your lips at some point. Take the moment I first met him for instance; that day Cristiano and I had a huge argument in the morning as I could not seem to find anything to wear for our trip to Portugal as all my suitcases were packed together and I did not want to bother in unpacking, I was in a foul mood and I refused to smile at any point whatsoever. But when Cristiano’s mother opened the door to her house and there appeared Junior beside her it was like all my problems went away, all from seeing that smile he owns.

Honestly I adore him so much, I treat him as if he was my own son. Although I know he is of course far from it that does not stop me, Junior needs a mother-like figure in his life as well as having his father by his side always. I remember vaguely a conversation which I once had with Cristiano’s mother, it was her telling me not to hesitate in thinking I am going a little of too far with him as every child needs the safety of an older man and woman in their life. So I guess she was referring to me in that, suggesting and asking if I could step up and act just as if I was Junior’s mother but not blood related of course. And so I did that for her, and since I have I could not be any happier. I cherish this relationship I have with Junior, it is so magical.

Rolling over onto my left side so that I was facing Junior in the best possible way I smiled at him, watching him do it back. And there he was before me, in the cutest onesie imaginable which Cristiano had dressed him in before bed last night and his hair messed up all over the place. He honestly looked so adorable, so gentle and so calm. “How long have you been up for Junior?” Speaking in a soft and low voice towards him I continued smiling, looking in his direction as he had his stuffed lion toy in his left hand looking down at me. “Have you been awake for long? You know you could have just woke me up, don’t you? I honestly wouldn’t have minded at all.” Looking up at him beside me I brought my hand up, caressing his cheek.

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