Chapter 8

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Cristiano’s POV:

As soon as I had arrived home from the restaurant I just threw myself on the sofa in the front room. With no intention what so ever to either turn any light on or even the television. I was continuously getting a reminder flow through my mind as to what I had seen…Fabio touching and rubbing up MY girlfriend’s leg. I mean who does he think he is? This has just proved that I was right all along…he wants her back and he is going to do everything he possibly can to do so. 

I threw my face in my hands as I lay across the sofa. That very same image not leaving my mind as hard as I tried. It’s like it is permanently stuck on reply and not stopping. If this carries on I can see myself going insane, I really can. And it will be all down to that prick which goes by the name Fabio.

But for the good of the Real Madrid team I am not going to cause a scene and go crazy at him, oh no. There is no way that I am going to let him get the satisfaction of seeing all of this bringing me down. I’m just going to act as if it’s all fine, well for now anyway. But what I’m annoyed at myself for is the fact that I left Nicole there at the restaurant with him, why I did that I do not know.

“Cris I’m home.” I heard Nicole’s soft little voice call out to me as she shut the door behind her. This caused me to smile; there is no way that I am going to stay mad about this whole situation anymore. It’s destroying our relationship. I got up from the sofa and walked into the hallway where Nicole was standing, removing her heels. “Oh there you are.” She smiled once she finished removing her heels. I stood firmly against the door frame, waiting for her to grace me with a hug. And soon enough she did so. Wrapping her arms tight around my neck as I placed mine around her waist. 

“I’m sorry about everything recently, you know with the whole Fabio thing. I’ve been an idiot and I’m sorry babe.” As soon as I uttered those couple of sentences Nicole seemed to go all un-easy. It was almost like mentioning Fabio gave her a sick feeling in her stomach just like me. “Sorry, did I say something?” I questioned, looking into her eyes. 

Nicole didn’t say anything; she just simply shook her head. I knew that something deep down was bothering her, I know her too well but to stop us from most probably arguing if I went on I just let it go. 

We stood in our same exact positions for none less than about roughly five minutes. Holding each other close and not letting go. Taking in this moment we were sharing for as long as possible but still Nicole seemed un-easy, it was strange. Ever since we have been together she has never acted this way.

“Come here, follow me.” I smiled as our bodies pushed away from each other. Taking her hand in mine we walked up the long steep stairs of our house and into the bedroom. I really did have a lot of making up to do for how I have acted recently, and tonight was that night. 

As we got into the bedroom I moved my hand from hers and replaced it around her waist, followed by my other hand. Whereas Nicole placed hers around my neck. We stood in the middle of the bedroom for a while just gazing into each others eyes, our faces slowly getting closer and closer. Eventually after a while I filled the gap between our faces as I placed my lips onto hers. My tongue begging for entrance inside of her mouth, Nicole soon gave in with teasing me and let it slip in. Both our tongues exploring every possible inch of each others mouths. 

Throughout the kiss I started walking forwards, causing Nicole to start walking backwards. She soon came into contact with the side of the bed and fell flat on her back onto the mattress with me on top of her. We stayed in that position for a while just looking into each others eyes, as Nicole bit her lip; knowing that every time she does that it drives me crazy. 

Nicole’s POV: 

Our lips instantly met again, it was like there was some sort of magnetic field pulling them both together every now and then. Cristiano’s tongue made its way around every single area of my mouth as mine did the same. His hand found its way under the back of my dress in search for my bra, which of course I didn’t wear tonight as my dress only had one strap to it. I started laughing during the kiss as his attempt of finding my bra was extremely un-successful.

After a while the kiss started to get aggressive and rough, nothing compared to what it was like a couple of minutes ago. I let out small little moans as I wrapped my legs around Cristiano’s torso. He also let out grunts and I knew exactly what he wanted tonight and who was I to turn that down? 

Cristiano’s fingers moved a little and touched the edge of my panty leg. He traced the edge of the elastic and two of his fingers soon slid under the fabric and he inserted them straight into me. Catching me completely off guard. 

“Uhhh.” I moaned into the kiss. My hand found their way to the back of his Ralph Lauren long sleeved polo, raising up so some of his skin was showing, in hope that maybe he would get the hint that I wanted it off. Luckily he did and as he continued moving his fingers in and out of me we broke the kiss, just long enough for me to pull it off of his head. I looked at him, his toned, muscular abs were like a drug to me. I couldn’t wait much longer, I needed him now. And I gave him the look as if to tell him just how much. 

So he removed his fingers and brought them up to the top of the fabric and pulled them down to my ankles where I kicked them off. I tugged at his jeans as he was still placed on top of me, waiting for him to take them and of course his boxers off. Luckily he did as he lowered himself off of the bed and removed them. Giving me just enough time to remove my dress from my body and throwing it down onto the floor. 

Cristiano climbed back on the bed and looked at me. My eyes automatically drawn to his now already fully hard member. He winked at me and before I knew he inserted it straight inside of me. 

“Uuuh fuck Cris.” I let out as I ran my hands through my hair. His thrusts didn’t start of fast though, oh no. He was far too big to even think of doing that, so he just went in and out of me slowly, giving me enough time to adjust to his size. 

After a while his thrusts picked up the pace, once I had given him the ok to of course. 

Cristiano held onto my hips with each of his extremely large hands, grinding deep inside of me. Going at a rhythm like pattern as his thrusts began to speed up. His grip on my hips began to get a lot tighter as we went on.

The both of us letting out moans and grunts. My legs wrapping tightly around his naked torso as he sucked on the flesh on my neck and collar bone, sure to leave a mark on me.

Fuck it felt good. 

This went on for a while. Both of as gasping for air as we breathed heavily. We were lost in the moment, enjoying every second of it. This most definitely had made me forgive him, but remembering Fabio…kissing me…took my mind else where for a few moments.

Cristiano would utter the occasional sentence or two in Portuguese, which quite frankly I had no idea what he was saying, I guess it was something good right though? 

My mind started to spin and I started to feel that rush in veins which I do every time we make love. It really is as if some electric shock began charging through my blood. It’s amazing. 

After a few minutes of Cristiano continuously thrusting deep inside of me the pattern of the thrusts started to fade, meaning he would soon be reaching his big finish, as would I. 

“I love you Nicole.” He let out, sweat dripping off both of our bodies. There was no way which I could reply to him, I was too caught up in the moment. My mouth open slightly as I enjoyed every single second. 

The arrival final came and Cristiano moaned my name as he eventually released inside of me. My arrived soon after and I moaned his name also. He continued to thrust into me, riding out both of our orgasms. 

Cristiano fell beside of me on the bed, the both of us panting and deep breathing; trying to catch our breathe. 

I turned to him and he placed a soft, yet quick kiss on my lips. 

He pulled me tight towards him, wrapping his arms around me as I snuggled deep into his chest. 

There was just silence for a few moments until he finally uttered a sentence. “So how did you get back tonight anyway?” He questioned, placing soft kisses on the back on neck. 

I froze for a second, I couldn’t lie to him as he can always tell when I’m telling the truth or not. So I turned to look at him and gulped before answering. “Erm….” I started. “Fabio…” I said quietly under my breathe. 

As soon as I uttered his name Cristiano released himself from me, pushing me away. My heart started beating double time as I looked at him. His face all scrunched up and that familiar disgusted look in his eyes again. 

Oh here we go again…

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