Chapter 12

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Readers p.o.v

I smiled up at him as he hugged me tightly, lifting me up from the ground slightly

"You won't regret this" he whispered in my ear. I giggled.

"I hope not" he chuckled and looked at my face and I looked back at him. He leaned forward and kissed my lips and eventually I kissed back. He pulled away, a slight blush brushed across his face.

"Let's go home" I nodded and smiled. He smiled back and held my hand as he intertwined his fingers with mine. I blushed a light shade of red and began to walk back to my house with him.

Zalgos p.o.v

Finally she had agreed to be mine. As I walked with her I kept glancing over at her, smiling and thinking about the future we could have together. But then I thought of something. I am a demon, and the leader of the under world. Eventually I would have to return to my realm and I don't know what I would tell her. It began to worry me.

"Hey, you okay?" I looked over at her and could see the worry in her eyes.

"Yeah I'm okay" I pulled her closer to me and stroked her hand. She didn't look convinced.

"You don't look okay" I looked at her for a moment, tempted to tell her what was really wrong, but shook the thought away.

"I'm just really tired" She sighed and smiled.

"Okay then" I looked forward and saw that we had reached the house. She let go of my hand and walked up to the front door and opened it with her keys. I then walked into the house after her.

"So what should we do now?" I looked at her.

"We should probably go to bed, its pretty late" I nodded and she began to walk up the stairs, so I followed her up. As she got to her door she turned around and looked at me. "Well good night Lucius" She walked into her room and shut her door.

Readers p.o.v

I walked into my room and got changed into my p/c pyjamas and got into bed and snuggled Into my covers. It felt warm and I quickly fell asleep.

About 30 minutes later I woke up and felt two arms wrapped around me. I instantly knew who it was. "Lucius..." I turned around and my eyes widened. It was not Lucius. All I could was that bloody smile and them terrifying eyes. I went to scream, but he covered my mouth

"sssh" he whispered and then smirked insanely. "GO TO SLEEP" He raised his knife and I froze in place, but screamed as loud as I could, through his hand.

Zalgos p.o.v

I was in my room and suddenly heard y/n scream. I sprang up from my bed and ran in her room to find her struggling against...nothing. I sighed in relief. Just a bad dream. I walked over and sat on her bed and grabbed her shoulders, shaking them lightly.

"y/n its okay, its just a dream" After shaking her a few times her eyes widened and she hugged me tightly and I pulled her onto my lap whilst stroking her back.

"H-he was there...that smile mouth killer...he was in my dream" She cried into my chest as I comforted her.

"Its okay y/n, he's gone now" She nodded and I laid her back into bed and laid down next to her. She turned around to face me and nuzzled into my chest.

"Thank you Lucius" I smiled and kissed her fore head then stroked her cheek.

"Its okay" She closed her eyes and fell asleep as I wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep with her. Bloody Jeff....

(Thanks for reading, comment you suggestions down below XD)

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