Chapter 14

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readers p.o.v

Once I was ready I walked down stairs to see him already there, standing at the bottom of the stair case. He chuckled.

"You took your time" I blushed and giggled slightly.

"Well I'm sorry for trying to look nice" I chuckled and stood next to him and he smirked slightly down at me and I blushed and looked away. He placed his hand under my chin and moved my head to face him then softly kissed my lips. After a few moments he pulled away and rubbed my cheek, as it was a deep red.

"Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded my head and began to walk out the front door. He followed behind and I could hear him laughing.

"What's so funny?" I turned to face him and he caught up to me.

"You are so cute when you blush" He smiled as he laughed and I looked away as my face was still slightly red.

"Shut up..." He grabbed my hand and we walked to town.

~At town~ Zalgos p.o.v

We walked around for a while until she stopped and pulled me towards a shop

"This is a good shop for clothes" I nodded and walked in with her. We walked to the section with the male clothing and she helped me pick a few outfits until I had enough to last me a while. She took me towards the changing section and smiled. "Now go and try them on, I will wait for you" I nodded and walked into a small stall and began trying my outfits on.

Readers p.o.v

I waited outside the changing room for him but began to feel like someone was watching me. It felt weird and it felt close. Like they were about to pounce on me. I looked around, but couldn't see anyone facing in my direction. I breathed heavily.

"I'm just being paranoid" I laughed slightly but froze when I felt a hot breathe on the back of my neck.

"Hello again bitch..." I turned around quickly but saw no one there. I walked backwards and bumped into someone and accidentally hit them across the face and my eyes widened slightly when I saw who it was. Lucius stood there with his hand over his cheek. I began to cry slightly.

"Shit sorry" He looked at me, with a confused look on his face.

"Its okay y/n, but can I ask why you hit me across the face?" I went slightly silent and looked down at the ground. "Y/n?" I was still silent and he sighed and hugged me. "We will talk about it when we get home" He gently kissed my cheek and smiled, then went to pay for his clothes at the till. I walked outside and stood at the entrance of the shop, waiting for him. He walked out a few minutes later and smiled.

"You okay?" I nodded slightly and he grabbed my hand. "Wanna go home?" I nodded again and we began to walk back.

As we walked through the town, I still had the feeling of being watched and stayed very close to Lucius. I was scared. The feeling was unnerving and I wanted it to stop so I began to walk slightly faster. Lucius must have noticed and walked faster with me.

Zalgos p.o.v

We arrived back at the house and y/n opened the door and walked inside. I followed close behind and placed the bag with my clothes in onto the kitchen table and turned around to face her.

"What's wrong y/n?" She sighed and looked down

"Nothing.." I sighed and got closer to her and lifted her head up to face me.

"I know there is something wrong, your acting funny" She sighed again.

"I just feel like I'm being watched.." I looked at her, slightly puzzled

"By who?"

"I don't know..." She sighed. "This voice spoke to me earlier...I felt like I recognised it but when I turned around no one was there..."

"Well who did it sound like?" Who ever it was, I would murder them. She went silent for a few moments the spoke again.

"That smile mouthed killer...."

(Thank you for reading, leave your suggestions in the comment section XD)

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