Chapter 20

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~A few days later~ Readers p.o.v

It had been a few days since Zalgo had left and I regretted ever letting him leave. I wanted him back. I needed him back. The way he spoke to me, the way he treated me. I wanted it all back. I was still afraid. Afraid of him being demon. But I began not to care. I realised he was never a threat to me. The pain in his eyes when he looked at me before he left said everything. But why didn't I see it before. Thinking of it burnt a hole in my heart. I needed to find him. But where would he be?

I began to walk to school but couldn't stop thinking of him. School just made it worse. Everyone came up to me asking 'Where's Lucius?' 'Have you seen Lucius?' And a few times I snapped at the questions 'If I bloody knew he would be here!' I ran out of class a few times, trying to escape the questions, but the teachers just dragged me back inside.

As I arrived at school I walked into my classroom and sat by my desk with my head down, trying not to gain eye contact with anyone. Then hopefully everyone would leave me alone. But as I thought, as soon as everyone entered the classroom the questions fired at me. And what was worse, with Zalgo gone, the bullies began to bother me again and had beaten me up badly as soon as they found out that Zalgo was gone. I sighed, another day of hell. My eyes then began to tear up. Hell. It was now a painful reminder of Zalgo. And then I realised, that was probably where he had gone to. And that meant I would never get him back.

Zalgos p.o.v

I walked around my castle and tried to think things over. I needed to get over her. My grieving was getting in the way of protecting my realm. But the thought of never seeing her face, never feeling her touch, it hurt. It made me feel like I was about to collapse. She helped keep me sane, made me feel like, maybe I wasn't a monster. But that was before she knew who I was. The look on her face, when I became my true self, said it all. Pure fear. And that look would never go away.

I sighed to myself as I sat down on my bed and buried my face into my hands. I held back my tears and sat up. I realised what I had to do. The only way I could get over her. I would have to see her again. Make her realise that I'm not a bad guy. And if she understood and loved me again, then that would be that. But if she still pushed me away...I would have t erase her mind. All memory of me, then erase my own mind. I stood up and walked through the portal, out of my realm back to Y/n/

Readers p.o.v

After school I ran back home, away from everyone. As soon as I reached my house I ripped my door open and slammed it shut. I ran upstairs and just cried. I couldn't take much more. Then suddenly I felt something smash against my head and I fell to the ground. My vision became blurry but I looked up and was able to see who had hit my head. It was Jeff. I then blacked out.

Jeffs p.o.v

I chuckled and looked at Y/n limp body. With Zalgo gone, I could finally take what was mine. Her death. I picked up her body and placed a note on the bed. Just killing her would be too boring. Zalgo would return. And when he did the fun could really begin.

(Thanks for reading, comment your suggestions down below XD)

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