Chapter 5

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"Beep, beep, beep.."

Groaning I roll over and slam my hand on the alarm. Sighing I sit up and stretch tiredly. Slipping my sleepy body out of bed I make my way to the bathroom for a hot shower to wake me up.

After scrubbing my body I turn the knobs on the shower and step out wrapping my body in a white fluffy towel. Wiping the steam off the mirror I look at my reflection.

Staring back at my reflection I take in my appearance. My long black hair, my set of pale grey eyes like father and light scars scattered throughout my body. Sighing I look away from the sad excuse of a fallen angels daughter.

Walking to my closet I throw on my undergarments. Slipping on my black Chinos, I pair it with my white Adidas flowly crop top. Pushing my hair back I grab my black vans and put it on. Walking back to the bathroom I brush through my bed hair and straighten through it.

Before I leave I slip on my black ray bans and throw my hair to the side slipping my bag on my shoulder.

Walking out the door I notice it's still quiet meaning everybody's still asleep. Putting my phone into my back pocket I huff in annoyance to the sun and walk to the Black BMW waiting at the front of my gates.

Wow, who knew Ava had style!

Opening the door I jump in and straight away greeted by the joy and happiness radiated by the one and only Ava.

"Well good morning darkness" Ava says happily.

"Morning sunshine" I say sarcastically.

Chuckling Ava starts the car.

Looking at Ava drive the first thing I see is her choice of clothing.

"Really Ava? A bright yellow sundress" i say rolling my eyes.

Frowning at me Ava lifts a brow,

"What! There in style" Ava say looking back at the road.

"Yeah, maybe 50 years ago" I mumble looking out the window. "How long do we have until school?"

"Hold on..ummm, an hour and a half, why?" Ava asks looking at her watch.

Looking at her I flip through my wallet and pull out the gold card my dad gave me and hold it out for display.

"Because, we're going shopping. If we're gonna be...whatever we are, you gotta change, this" I motion to her clothes.

"Hey, I'm perfectly fine with what I'm wearing" Ava protests.

"Uh uh, we're going" I say.

Giving up Ava sighs and switches to the lane heading towards the local mall.

"Just so you know i can pay for my own stuff" Ava says to me.

"My asshole of a dad gave me it with loads of cash on it. Trust me when I say I don't mind" I say looking out the window at passing cars.

"Ok, but I'm buying breakfast" Ava sighs.

"Fine by me" I mumble pulling out my phone.

Nows a good time to buy my new phone I guess. Clicking candy crush I play on it for about ten minutes with Ava's chatting in the background until Ava says we're here.

"Let's go rescue your fashion before something serious happens" I say jumping out of the car.

"Ha ha, very funny darkness" Ava says walking beside me,

Smirking I roll my eyes at her and walk into the mall with Ava on my tail.

"Hey wait up" Ava say speed walking to me "you know you walk really fast"

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