Chapter 8

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"Come on, move your ass I wanna shower" I say jumping out of the car.

Walking around the car Ava stops right in front of me with worry.

"Darkness, are you sure your parents will let me stay?" Ava says nervously.

"First of all their not my parents, second of all they'll say yes whether or not they like it, third your staying now come on" I say grabbing her arm and walking up the steps.

Opening the door I walk into the sitting room where everyone is and stop right at the door making everybody look our way. While bones and raven look at me with a grin the rest of them look at me curiously.

"Darkness who is this?" Kate asks curiously.

Pulling Ava forward a bit I look at them, cutting to the chase I spit it out.

"This is Ava, she now lives with us" I say crossing my arms.

Before James could open their mouths I speak up.

"If anybody disagrees with my decision then say it now" I say annoyed.

Behind Kate and James I see bones and raven zipping their lips and throwing a key away. Ha ha very funny. Looking back at Kate and James they both look at each other before looking back at me and nodding their heads.

"As you wish. Welcome Ava, make yourself at home" Kate smiles.

Pfft, what a load of crap. Since when does Kate 'smile' the woman hardly ever smiles at us.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it" Ava says shyly.

Nodding their heads at her Lilith and ivy jump up squealing. Skipping to us they drag us into my room and close the door. Rolling my eyes I walk over to my bed while my sisters interrogate her with questions.

"So what are you, angel, witch, fairy, demon, wolf, vamp...?" Lilith asks excited.

Walking over we all sit on my bed and Ava speaks.

"I'm a witch" Ava says smiling at them.

The girls look at her like she's the most interesting thing in the world. Intrigued with every word she speaks and every movement she makes.

"That's so cool...wait omg! I just realised your my sisters friend!" Ivy gasps shocked.

Lilith seems to realise this as well and they both now look at me. Rolling my eyes I chuck a pillow at them while they laugh.

"oh my god Lilith! She has a friend!" Ivy says hitting Lilith's arm,

"Darkness when did this happen and more importantly, why didn't you tell us missy" ivy says looking at me.

"Because of this" I motion to them.

"True true, but still" Lilith says "so tell us everything, how did youse meet?" Lilith asks Ava with interest.

Laying down on her stomach ivy copies her and they both lie there waiting for Ava's response. Looking at me Ava laughs and looks back.

"Well Believe it or not, but when we first met darkness did not wanna be my friend" Ava chuckles.

"No surprise there" ivy laughs

"There's our darkness" Lilith says amused,

Rolling my eyes at them I lean against my head board and watch them interact.

"So what happened next" ivy asks Ava.

Shrugging Ava grins at me,

"Well after that I kinda just followed her and annoyed her and forced her to be my friend basically ahah" Ava laughs

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