Chapter 41

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"Ohhhh shit...." Someone mumbles.

Looking up from Aidens eyes as he lets go of my chin and goes to eating his sandwich, I look up as well as everybody else and see Bones standing there with a shocked expression and a hint of disappointment and fear beyond his dark eyes.

Finally realising what he's scared and shocked about i sigh and tug on the ends of my hair lightly.

"It's not what it looks like..." I tell him sort of like a question more than a statement.

Raising a brow at me Aiden stares at me with amusement hidden beneath his eyes.

Looking back at bones I see him raising a disapproving brow at me.

"Okay fine! It is what it looks like" I huff giving up.

Shaking his head bones takes a seat next to Ava and claire.

As Silent as ever, bones eats in silence as he looks at me and Aiden.

After a while it gets to me and finally I break.

Looking to Ava I open up half of my mind, letting her in to contact with me only.

"Ava, tell bones to stop looking at me like that. It's not like I've killed someone"

Huffing in annoyance I watch as Ava looks over to me and nods as she presses her lips into a thin hard line.

Looking to bones she focuses.

After a while, bones turns back to me and glares slightly.

Huffing in annoyance Ava then turns back to me.

"In his own words he said, 'Even you know it's worser than that darkness. you've committed a crime as a fallen angel and a royal for Fs sake' " Ava sends back.

Snapping my head away from her I glare deeply at bones as we both have a glare off.

Ohh he wants to start this now!

"You really wanna start this now?" I clench my jaw looking at him.

Blinking at me dumbly bones stares at me as he pulls his chocolate bar from his mouth.

"You think this all fun and games don't you? You just love pushing his buttons and honestly, I don't see why because the last time you came home all bloodied and bruised-"

Seething I feel anger rush course through my body.

Ignoring everybody I Stand up And glare at him.

Feeling Aiden grab my arm and trying to tug me down I rip my arm out of his hold and continue glaring at Bones.

"Never talk about that! Don't even think about talking about my life! You don't know anything that happened!" I hiss at him angrily.

Challenging me bones stands up and takes a step towards me.

"Ohh I know! Who's been the one looking after you since we were little! Huh? Who! Me!" He growls angrily, "who was the one that literally died because your dad beat the shit out of you! Me! That's who! It's been me darkness, I've been protecting you since we were young so I fucking know!" Bones says as his voice is getting higher, "I've protected you all those times your dad came over, and all those times you screamed in the middle of the night because your nightmares would get so out of was me darkness, and the one time I ask you to listen to me you do the opposite, you do the fucking opposite" bones yells scoffing as he looks at me without anger but disappointment, "all I've wanted to do was protect you, and even now that your older, I still do"

Yeah...but the only thing I wished he saved me from, was the one thing that he would never have been able to...

Sighing I feel all the anger flush away from me.

"I was listening to you..I tried so hard" I breath out looking away from his disappointed eyes, "I tried so fucking hard to distance myself from him but it never worked, and sooner or later you knew this was gonna happen" I say looking up into his eyes.

After a while of just standing there waiting for him to do something, his eyes move to something behind me.

Feeling strong pair of arms circle my waist and pull me back interest a hard chest I start breathing calmly and relax.

"I'm not gonna hurt her, she's important to me and I'll lay my life down for her" Aiden tells him, "I know there's some stuff that has happened or will happen, but we'll deal with it" Aiden says positively,

Rolling his eyes bones huffs and sits back down next to a silent Ava and claire.

Following suit I take a seat next to Aiden this time and lean into his shoulder.

"you know this isn't gonna last right?" Bones whispers looking at me, "he'll never allow this, and you know he's gonna flip when he finds out"

Breathing in a breath of air I keep silence and he takes that as my response.

"Who won't allow it?" Claire speaks up curiously as she bites into her sandwich.

"My father.." I say looking at her.


Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated sooner.
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