Chapter 25

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~Darknesses POV~
Groaning I open my eyes grittily and slam my hand on my alarm, rubbing my eyes I look over to still see Ava peacefully cuddled up in the thick blankets,

I would hate to ruin her sleep...

"Ava!" I yell at her ear,

Opening her eyes wide Ava jumps up out of bed with a worried look on her face,

"What, what's happening, I'm awake!" Ava breathes heavily looking around,

Laughing at her I double over and clutch my stomach,

Ohhhh good one darkness!

"Darkness" Ava growls in realisation, "why did you do that! I was dreaming of something very nice" Ava whines pouting,

Patting her cheek gently I get up from the bed and walk into my closet,

"Ohh you mean 'hades' " I say cheekily,

"No!" She groans, "now explain woman, why the hell did you wake me up?" She says annoyed,

"Well, It's Sunday sunshine and I plan on doing something fun before school tomorrow" I say from inside my walk in closet,

"Can't we do something at a suitable time, like let's say 3:00 in the afternoon" Ava groans from the bedroom,

Geez, this woman is impossible.

"It's 9:00 in the morning already, get up before I make you" I threaten stripping out of my clothes,

"Oh, and dress warm" I say remembering what today's schedule is,

Hearing Ava mumble words the door opens and closes before there's complete and utter silence,

Grabbing my black tight jeans with cuts at the knees, I slip them on and then slide on a black crop top. Snatching my blue jean jacket from the drawer I throw that over my outfit and tie on my white low cut Adidas shoes with black stripes on them, decide whether or not my hair should be down or up, I go for the easier and less time consuming option, up.

 Snatching my blue jean jacket from the drawer I throw that over my outfit and tie on my white low cut Adidas shoes with black stripes on them, decide whether or not my hair should be down or up, I go for the easier and less time consuming option, up

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Throwing my hair up into a ponytail, I walk out of my room with my phone and keys in my pocket. Knocking on Ava's door, she opens it a few seconds later still in her pyjamas. Frowning she pulls me in and closes her door, turning to her bed I see all the clothes thrown on her bed in a mess,

"Geez calm down, we're just going out to eat, that's all" I say rolling my eyes and sitting on her desk chair,

Groaning Ava walks back into her closet,

"Now that's even worse! I don't even have clothes for that" Ava says from inside the closet.

Waiting for her she comes out five minutes later dressed in white knitted sweater and a pair of blue skinny jeans. Throwing a thumbs up at her, she quickly slips on her white low top converses and we head out to the kitchen first.

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