Chapter 49

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Looking around searching if anyone's looking, I'm about to give up when I see him..

And i see her. She's next to him clinging onto his arm all the while pushing her boobs out.

She can do all she wants. She wins at that game, I'm over it now.

At least I've found doe, one more to go.

For a moment his eyes don't miss mine and I'm stuck looking at him with a natural scowl fitting my features as he stares back with sadness and somewhat rage.

At least my first reactions to him is negative.

1 point to darkness.

Oh this should be an interesting interaction to get her away from him..

Time to put Aces acting performance into affect again haha..


Grinning like a mad women as my scowl slips away, I look up into Aces eyes with a mischievous glint.

Wiping his beer he looks at me for a while curiously as he tries getting with the flow.

Time for plan B.

Seriously I don't know if I'm excited about hurting the bimbo after or just annoying the both of them at the same time with plan b phase 1.

Unwrapping Aces arm from my shoulders, I take a casual sip from my bottle giving a look to Ace while I take my phone out and start typing on notes.

-We'll go over and talk for a while.
I'll distract the guy, you got her.
Also Your my boyfriend so act like you love me.
I'll leave it to you, You know what to do.

Looking in on our surroundings, all is clear though with Obviously those blue eyes watching my every move and interaction with Ace.

Sipping my drink causally I look after as my eyes start to wander to his.

I'm beginning to feel nothing again..I guess I should be glad.

Taking a deep steady breath I slip my phone into Aces hand as I slowly sway with the beat.

Hearing him chuckle while reading my message I look at him grabbing my beer bottle.

Discarding my phone back into my pocket with a grin, I grab onto his hand pulling him along with me towards our target and her plus 1.

Looking ahead at our target I immediately see Aiden tense up looking between me and Ace and then down at Aces hand on my hip.

Sensing his strong emotions radiating off him I breath in deeply wanting to avoid channeling on his mind.

"Babe who said I was acting this whole time" Ace teases with a smirk.

Rolling my eyes a small smile plays at my lips I hit his stomach making him double over.

Then leaning his whole body weight onto my back he wraps his heavy arms around my neck as I roll my eyes and continue now dragging the both of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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