Chapter 3

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"Hey wait your butt miss angry pants!" Ava shouts at me jogging down the hall.

Turning around I glare at her. Ignoring my evil stare Ava catches up to me and links our arms smiling.

It's weird, I've never liked people touching meow even speaking to me besides my family, but Ava is different. I think it's the reason because she's the only person  can touch without getting any visions. I don't mind the visions but they kinda get annoying when you don't want them happening.

"Can you stop call me that"  say irritated.

Shaking her head we walk to gym class, another class we unfortunately have together, along with most of my others...yayy me!

"Nope" Ava says popping the 'p'

"Whatever, just stop yelling it out" I say looking at her.

"Okey doeky" he says smiling.

Seriously I don't know how this chick is happy all the time. Like what the hell do you take.. I've never seen anyone this happy since I was 10 and my neighbour a girl around my age called Emily, she would always hum and pick flowers from her garden in the morning and fearing evening. It was a nightmare for me and my family, her happiness was foreign to us, it still is but that was the very first encounter of joy in our eyes. I guess that's what influenced my sisters to become the people they are today, nice, caring, I guess I never catches on...

But anyways, I swear Ava is like Emily. The girl has been smiling at me and everything since this morning! Like who does that.

"Stop smiling, it's annoying"  I say staring at her happy face.

"Stop looking at stuff in a negative way, making is not simply 'annoying'. Your just a Debby downer is all" he says to me and then grins "but don't worry, I'm gonna change that babe"

"Sorry not for me" I say pushing the locker room door open for us.

"Whatever floats your boat babe"Ava says in a sing song voice

Looking around I notice hat there are all girls here. I'm guessing this is an all girl class then.. Yippee..

"So what do youse do in gym class?" I ask it ting down on a bench next to where Ava is searching Brough a locker.

"Well most of the time e go to the school gym, you know lift weights, cardio, Stuff like that and other days, days like today, we go out on the field and play a sport" she says from inside the locker.

"What the hell are you doing in there Ava?" I say lifting a brow at her.

Hearing a bang from inside her locker I lean over and see a irritated Ava rubbing her head tiredly.

"I can't seem to get my gym shorts" Ava says slightly annoyed.

Ahaha what a sight! Ever knew a sweet little thing like her could even get annoyed or anything in that fact instead of being happy and cheerful.

Sighing one more time Ava digs right in and seconds later pulls back with a pair of black shorts out. Raising it in the air in victory, Ava smiles brightly at her achievement.

"You are such a weirdo"  say shaking my head.

"I'd rather be a 'weirdo' than a angry pants" Ava smiles at me.

Rolling my eyes at her, Ava motions that my locker is to her left.

"Be prepared darkness. The guys are on the field today as well, we gotta look presentable" Ava says smacking on some lipgloss and puckering her lips.

Pfft like I give two shits if the guys are on the field today. It's not like Their gonna be watching me anyways. I mean I wouldn't waste my time either. I don't have time for that bullshit humans call 'love' or 'romance'.

DarknessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang