Chapter 40

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Walking out in the open with my sandwich, chocolate bar and banana milk in hand I walk towards the big tree in the middle of the grass.

Smiling as I'm doing so, I can't seem to wipe off the smile taking over my whole face.

And the guy that is responsible for that is the one and only Aiden.

Since he had to run off to do something with his teacher, I left alone.

It's good though, need some time alone.

I'm not as depressed and angry as I was this morning, but he's helped, even if he doesn't really know I'm dealing with stuff..

Although I Honestly would never have thought a person like him would make me this happy, well I never thought anybody in general actually.

It's strange how quick his smile can turn my mood upside down completely...

He's made me forget about everything I've thought these past days, and I'm completely and entirely grateful I made the decision to tell him how I felt.

Reaching the tree I set my bag down on the ground and chuck my packaged food down as well.

Before I take a seat my eyes are zoned in on the other side of the grass, where one girl sits alone.

Squinting my eyes I sigh before leaving my stuff behind and walking over to her.

Having her back turned to me I see her slumped posture and feel automatically bad.

Damm, I'm such a bitch sometimes.

Reaching her I notice her eyes are glued to her phone and her headphones are plugged into her ears.

Smiling brightly I open my arms wide and throw them around Ava's shoulders.

Feeling her tense under my hold she turns her head slightly in alarm.

Taking own look at my familiar face she relaxes and smiles surprised and happily at me.

Pulling out her headphones she raise a brow at me as she beams.

"What's this hug for?" She asks me suspiciously.

Chuckling I rest my head on her shoulder as I look into her eyes, Bending down slightly to her height.

"Why? Can't I hug my best friend?" I ask playfully.

Smiling Ava pretends to think.

"Well I guess so..." She murmurs rolling her eyes.

"Good, because if you would of said, I would of then had to spread rumours about you" I smile playfully.

Chuckling Ava seems to calm down and I see a certain happiness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry about this morning Ava, I was in a mood and I should have just told you" I say apologetic, "I'm sorry" I offer once more before leaning in closer and placing a slobbery kiss on her cheek.

Gasping Ava whines like a child and pushes me away quickly.

"Eww! Girl cooties!" Ava makes a disgusted face as she wipes furiously at her wet cheek.

Smiling amused, I grab her bag and reach out a hand to her.

"Come on sunshine, I've got a spare twix bar with your name on it" I offer her with a grin.

Beaming Ava finishes wiping at her cheek as she reaches for her phones and grabs my hand in hers standing up.

"Yayy! I love twix!" Ava says licking her lips as she almost jumps with joy.

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