Chapter 11

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~Ava's POV~
As hades is pulling me along with him all that's running through my mind is.

'Daumm! He's got some pretty soft hands..!'

Even though this isn't a time to find something funny I can't help myself and giggle looking down. Haha I'm such a weirdo honestly! Who says that ahah, oh hey your abnormally hot, oh and you've got baby soft hands! Yeah that is some weird shit ahah. Especially for me.

Opening the passengers door for me hades gives me a curious look and closes my door. Sitting there with a smile on my face I turn away just as hades gets in and starts the car.

"Why are you laughing?" Hades says as we exit the house,

Shaking my head I pull out my phone trying to hide my smile, clicking the home button I press on candy crush and try to get these hilarious thoughts out of my mind.

"Come on tell me. People just don't giggle and laugh for no reason Ava" hades says taking my phone and focusing on the road again.

Huffing as I fail to reach for my phone hades chuckles at my wailing arms in front off his face. Sighing I give up and sit back in my chair. Just as I'm over my episode a smile plasters on my face and a giggle slips out.

"Argh! This is really annoying me for some reason, just tell me Ava" hades says slumping against his chair while driving.

Just as he parks the car in front of a small local diner 'Diana's' he turns off the engine and looks to me. Feeling his intense gaze on me I get a boost of confidence and stare back at his with the same intensity. Seeing a small grin tug at his juicy plump lips my eyes automatically shift down to them, I see his eyes cloud over with some unknown emotion but I'm too focused on his lips. Just as I see his lips twitch into a smile showing a hint of his shiny white teeth I bite my bottom lip trying to suppress a moan dying to escape.

In an instant I see him look down at my lips in what seems to be 'hunger' and automatically realise what's happening.
Ohhhhh God! He's gonna kiss me....wait not yet! I'm not even ready for this, argh! Darn you darkness, I didn't even have time to eat strawberry flavoured mints and gloss my lips. No no no...not like this.

Clearing my throat I jump out of the car in fast motion and walk towards the door diner door slowly not showing any type of emotion as I feel hades's eyes burning into me. As the diner door closes behind me I release a heavy shaky breath and make my way to a booth at the end of the diner, stuffed right in the corner away from everyone.
Going to reach for my phone I curse myself as I remember hades still has it, sighing I slump against the chair and pull the menu up to my face seeing what's their special for today.

Minutes later I feel a

Without putting down the menu I feel a presence in front of me and know straight away who is it.

"Why did you do that?" Hades says quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

Ignoring him I opt to be a child and keep the menu up somehow thinking everything will just go away just because I'm hiding. Something i know to well how to do...
Pretending to read the menu I hear hades sigh and suddenly everything goes silent and might I add, awkward.

Walking over a young girl around about my age walks over holding a menu, with a fake smile, blonde hair and big boobs bouncing out of her white waiter top she's strolls over to us eyeing out hades the whole time.

Ohh no you don't bimbo, he's mine!...well his is now!

Sitting up straight I drop the menu and see straight away that hades eyes have been on me the whole time. Crossing my legs under the table I push my blonde hair behind my back and lean on one arm on the table with a a bitchy smile.

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