Chapter 32

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Walking back into English I keep my head down and walk along side Ava. Watching as each step gets me closer to my chair i ignore the obvious Stares from Aiden and bones.

Slumping in my seat I pull my iPhone out of my pocket without a glance up at the teacher and plug the headphones into my ears. Drowning out the voices of the people around me I go to music and press play on 'baby boy' by big Brovaz.

Sighing I turn the volume up and sit back in my chair. Looking up at the board as if I'm listening I feel eyes watching me.

Well three.

Looking to my side I roll my eyes at Ava singing along softly to the song. Meeting my eyes Ava smiles playfully before going back to writing. Looking to my other side I see bones watching me with a serious stare, glaring at him I turn away and look to the front where the last eyes keep my gaze the longest.


Tapping his foot on the metal desk leg, he stares at me with a mixture of curiosity and worry.

Looking him over with a faster heartbeat I look away within seconds and pick up my pen as if nothing had if my heart didn't do flips by just staring into his crystal blue eyes...

"Pssst!" I hear next to me.

Looking over at the noise I see Ava giving me a look saying 'what are you doing?'. Shaking my head I give her a reassuring smile before going back to my work. Surprised by myself, I make it through the whole hour, focused and intrigued at what the teacher was actually going on about...well at least what I could understand when all I could hear was loud music in my ears.

Packing up all my things me and Ava walk out side by side. Waiting for her to tell me what class we have next, so looks over her timetable.

"We got HPE" Ava says with a groan.

Groaning in sync with her I realise what class is also going yo be teaming up with us.

The guys...

Normally HPE is my favourite subject of the day, but now...It's like torture.

"Thankfully I'm not the only one dreading to attend this class!" Ava mumbles annoyed.

Sighing we make our way to the gymnasium.

Arriving there within minutes we push open the doors to find most of the girls and guys seated at the bleachers.

Pulling me to the edge of the chairs, me and Ava take a seat away from the crowd.

"I know this is gonna be hard and all..but try keep your shirt on this lesson" Ava says with a playful smirk.

Rolling my eyes at her I bump her shoulder.

Argh! I knew she was gonna go there!

"Come on, that was like ages ago" I say, "stop living in the past"

Just as Ava goes to say something the teachers both walk in and blow their whistles.

"Okay people. Get into teams" the guys teacher calls out to us all,

"Because we're playing a game of dodge ball" he calls again with a smirk.

Groaning in annoyance Ava drags herself to the lockers with me and we change.

Throwing her clothes in the locker we both start to work out.

Walking out near the court where all the teams are forming, none other than Aiden watches us..well me.

Just as Ava starts talking to me, she stops suddenly as she grunts and I look to see that blondie is walking next her with a evil grin. Glaring at her Ava shuts her mouth and crosses her arms.

"Your so gonna regret that" Ava growls out at her,

Raising a brow the blondie looks at Ava with a smile.

Finding this small bitch fight annoying I step in and finish this for Ava.

Before she could say a comeback to Ava I lean over and push her hard from her arm.

Landing on the ground with a thud she groans and looks up at me with a glare.

Making it just in front of the group, all eyes are on me as they all witness me push blondie over.

Slapping hand to my mouth I fake gasp,

"I'm sorry, I didn't even see you there" I say with a fake guilt.

Glaring at me blondie huffs in annoyance and gets up. Straightening her clothes she glares at me, which is suppose to make me cry in fear but makes me smile in victory.

In annoyance she turns on her heel and stomps over to her group of hoes.

Haha, never gets old messing with her, I swear?

I could should make it my occupation, that's how much I enjoy it ahah.

Chuckling evilly, I turn around in victory and see everybody looking at me in either fear or awe.

Yep..and I'm getting my rep back of school bully and bitch.

I think my father would be proud for once.

Like a automatic robot, my eyes drift to Aidens.

For a slight second I thought he would crack a smile and grin at me, but he does the opposite.

Shaking his head with his lips in a hard thin line he looks away just as the teacher calls out.

What's up his-

Wait...why the hell am I even thinking about him. He's nothing to me.


"Okay, okay, cut it out girls" she calls out looking at me and blondie with warning eyes.

Hooking her arm through mine, Ava drags me onto the court and for the next 30 minutes we play a simple/boring game of dodge ball.


Hey guys, I know it's a boring chapter,
Follow me!

DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora