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calum woke up with a pounding in his head and ringing in his ears. he opened his eyes and hissed when there was a bright light coming in through his window. he tried to move and hide under the blankets but he was trapped in a very tight grip.

calum looked up at the person and saw it was luke, then memories of last night all came flashing back. they were cuddled together closely, calum squished to his chest with one leg hitched up on luke's hips.

"shit." calum groaned when he moved to fast and his head felt like it was being pounded into the ground. he may be overreacting.

"luke, wake up, lukey." calum whispered and tapped luke's bare chest. that's when he felt it. the bareness of the rest of their body. but instead of it being weird that you had sex and are now cuddling naked with your best friend, to calum it felt right. it felt like their bodies were supposed to go together like this.

"cal- ah shit." luke hissed and calum assumed he, too, had a hangover.

"uh, l-luke." calum said quietly and luke looked down at the boy who was squished against his chest. luke must've realized they were naked too because he blushed (which luke does rarely). luke quickly got up and put on his boxers that were on the floor. calum wrapped the blanket around his waist and grabbed a new pair of panties from his drawer.

"uh, did we? was it just a dream?" luke asked awkwardly as he put his pants on.

"uh yeah, we did." calum gulped and put wrapped the blanket around himself.

luke nodded and pulled his shirt on. they stood awkwardly and calum hated it. he knew it would be awkward now, that nothing would be the same. he just had sex with his best friend.

"i should go." luke mumbled and rushed to the door. "bye calum." he said before leaving his room and then hearing the front door shut. calum frowned and pulled on a jumper and some fuzzy pajamas. he went to his bathroom and got some Advil before going downstairs.

he went into the kitchen and his mum and sister were in there with mali's boyfriend, tanner.

"hey cal, long time no see." tanner smiled his huge smile that made anyone's day and pulled calum into a hug. tanner was very nice and friendly.

"hey tanner." calum mumbled and tanner let go of him, ruffling his already messy hair, and went back to sitting with mali at the table.

"hey calum, why didn't luke stay for breakfast? he usually always does after a sleep over." his mum asked and calum shrugged, not ready to tell anyone about what happened with them.

"okay then." she said. calum sat at the table with his head down. he could hear his mother's and sister's whispering about him but he ignored it. his head still hurt a bit and he had the nasty taste of alcohol in his mouth.

he lifted his head and frowned. "i'm going to ashton's, see you guys later." calum said and walked towards the door, but before he left he called out to his family saying, "oh and daniel and i broke up!"

when he got outside he heard celebratory shouts and he smiled.


he was lucky that ashton lived in the same neighborhood as him and the walk was only five minutes. he knocked on ashton's door and it opened, a very sleepy looking harry glaring at calum.

"it's like, ten in the morning. what do you want?" harry frowned.

"move it, twerp." ashton's deep morning voice spoke and ashton came to the door, pushing harry back inside. he was in nothing but pajama pants and his hair was messy and he was wearing his glasses and he looked so cute to calum. in a friendly way.

"what's up, cal?" he asked. before calum could answer he was frowning and tears suddenly came trickling down his face.

"aw, cal, what's wrong?" ashton asked, pulling the small boy into a warm hug. calum full on cried into his chest until ashton picked him up and carried him up to his room. he put calum on his bed and laid next to him, playing with his hair and shushing him quietly.

when calum somewhat calmed down, ashton asked again, "what's wrong, calum?"

calum bit his lip and frowned, looking up at ashton. "i think luke and i aren't best friends anymore." calum hiccupped.

"what? why?" ashton asked and calum explained everything from when he broke up with daniel to this morning when they had an awkward goodbye.

"oh. well i'm sure you're still best friends, calum. he probably just needed some time to clear his head. it was a drunken mistake, happens all the time." ashton shrugged.

"yeah maybe, thanks ashton." calum smiled and ashton nodded.

"you're welcome, cal. are you going to stay or no because i'm going back to sleep either way." ashton chuckled and calum nodded.

"nah, i think i'm going to head home. i'm tired too and i need to be alone. see you monday ashton." calum said and gave ashton a hug before leaving his house. he began walking to his own house.


monday rolled around way too quickly and calum really didn't want to get a ride from luke, which he normally did, so he asked his mum. she agreed and when he got there he groaned quietly when he saw luke and ashton at the entrance of the school.

luke looked really good. he wore a black snap back and a black shirt. he had his lip ring in for once (he rarely has it in at school) and his hair was messy but perfect still.

calum felt a little self-conscious in his leggings and burgundy jumper

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calum felt a little self-conscious in his leggings and burgundy jumper.

"bye mum." he said and got out of the car. ashton spotted him and waved him over. calum awkwardly walked over to them, noticing how luke kept his gaze on the ground and his hands in his pockets.

"hi." calum squeaked and ashton smiled at him while luke just nodded, still not making eye contact.

"oh, there's caleb, i have to talk to him about our science project, i'll see you too later yeah?" ashton said and jogged off to caleb.

luke and calum stood awkwardly, neither talking or even moving. it bothered calum. he hated that it would always be like this. he wished nothing happened and they were still best friends.

"i hate this." calum mumbled.

"what?" luke asked and finally looked at calum.

"i hate this. i hate that it's like this just because of something that happened when we were both drunk. it meant nothing so why is it affecting our friendship. i hate this. can we please just ignore what happened? it was a mistake and neither of us meant anything right?" calum sighed and luke furrowed his eyebrows. "we can just forget about it because it means nothing to both of us."

"no, calum." luke sighed. "no we can't forget about this because it meant something to me."


this might've sucked but i really want to get to some drama free cake

also this is going to be a kind of short book with only like twenty-ish chapters

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