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"nope." calum mumbled stubbornly. luke sighed and continued to throw clothes into his suitcase.

"sorry to burst your bubble, love, but it's not your choice." luke frowned and stood up from his floor and walked over to calum who was on his bed. "it's not my choice either. my mum is making all of us go."

"nope." calum said again.

"you'll be there the second day, what's the problem? it's just one day without you." luke sighed, laying down on top of calum.

"the problem is that your freaking ex girlfriend will be there and just because wendi is dating your cousin doesn't mean i don't trust that bitch." calum explained, grabbing luke's bum and squeezing. "this ass is mine." he whispered.

"all yours baby." luke kissed his cheek. "but i promise i won't even go near her. tomorrow i'll only hang out with my grandparents and stuff." luke chuckled. calum pouted still and luke kissed his puffy lips.

luke and his family have to go to a family reunion all weekend and of course since everyone knows calum and he's really close, then he's invited as well. but he can't go the first day because he has to study for math. his mum won't allow him to go without studying after seeing he had a d in math. he thought he was doing well but apparently his last two tests didn't go that good.

"okay, whatever. but i don't care who you're sharing a room with, we're fucking the minute i get there." calum said and pushed luke off of him. he got up and went to the bathroom while luke went and finished packing.


"i'll miss you." calum said into luke's leather jacket. luke smiled down at his boyfriend but frowned when jack honked the horn. he sighed and kissed calum's head.

"i have to go, cal. i'll miss you too." he said. calum didn't reply or let go, making ashton pry him off of luke with a pout. luke thought it was adorable that calum was so upset and pouty about leaving luke for one day.

luke gave calum one last kiss before getting in the car. he and jack had to take a separate car from his mum and ben because ben and his mum were leaving a day after they were since those two didn't have school monday.

the two drove away while jack laughed at calum who was on his knees throwing his fists in the air like a dramatic scene from a movie.

the drive was boring and short. the house their family reunion was at was a huge beach house just an hour away. the two boys got there and only with two injuries to luke's arm and cheek from when jack threw his shoe at him then when they stopped to get snacks and luke was walking to the car, jack ran him over. he didn't get severely injured, just hit his head hard on the window wiper, giving him a bruise on his cheek.

they pulled up to the house and people were all around. luke recognized a lot of people but some he didn't. it's been four years since he's seen most of these people.

after they greeted a bunch of their family members they were told which rooms were theirs. they went up to their rooms so they could get washed up for dinner.

luke entered his room and sighed, he already had a roommate. the bed had bags on it and the bathroom was occupied. he bit his lip and put his bags down on the bed. he hoped he knew his roommate because it'd be awkward to share a bed with a random family member.

he sat down on the bed and began to take his shoes off when the bathroom door swung open. he turned around and frowned at the tall blonde girl.

she had blue eyes and long blonde hair (a typical hemmings). she was actually very pretty and luke was confused on why he'd never seen her before.

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