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luke groaned when he felt julia's knee in his back. "move over, jules." he grumbled into his pillow. she just mumbled and rolled over. luke didn't like the idea of sleeping in only boxers with her and her in only a sports bra and shorts but after she made it clear she had a girlfriend last night, he was just fine.

luke almost got to go back to sleep until there was a knock at the door. he groaned and hoped they would go away but then the door opened.

"l-luke?" a soft voice said and both blondes shot up from their positions. julia smiled wide at the small boy she remembered because of his big brown eyes.

"cal, he-" luke said but was cut off by him.

"i can't fucking believe you!" he shouted, dropping his flowers on the ground.

"what?" luke asked confused.

"it's not your ex i had to worry about! it's you! i can't believe you! it's your family reunion and you have sex with some random girl?!" he shouted again.

luke finally got it. he realized it didn't look so good that they were almost naked in bed and calum probably didn't recognize julia.

"wait, no, cal-"

"shut up, luke! i am beyond upset with you." he said, stomping out of the room. luke quickly followed and groaned when calum began running. julia ran after and they all ran down stairs.

"cal, let me explain, babe!" he yelled and calum ignored him, running outside in the front where a bunch of kids and adults were eating breakfast and playing basketball or football (soccer).

"cal, stop!" julia yelled and calum came to an abrupt halt. he turned around slowly and narrowed his eyes at julia.

"what is there even to explain?! i can see exactly what happened!" he yelled, not caring that he was making a commotion.

"cal, it's julia! jiggly jules, remember. nothing even happened, we're cousins!" luke yelled and calum went red. not only because he caused such a commotion over nothing but also because everyone was watching and luke and julia were still half naked.

"oh. um, hey jules, nice to see you again." calum smiled awkwardly. she waved and luke suddenly became aware of all his family members surrounding him. calum stepped in front of him and shuffled inside, hiding his boyfriend from his family's eyes.


"sorry i overreacted." calum apologized again as the two were getting ready to leave. it was yesterday but he still feels bad for julia and everyone who had to see luke naked (even though it is a sight calum enjoyed, his own blood might not feel the same way).

"it's fine, how were you supposed to know? she did change a lot." luke shrugged, helping him into the car. he and calum would sit in the back seat while jack drove. they were all situated and ready to go but jack still wasn't in the car yet.

"how did studying go?" luke asked as calum fiddled with one of the rings on luke's finger.

"good, i feel much more confident about getting a good grade." calum smiled and luke did too, proud of his boyfriend.

"that's good, i'm glad, baby." luke lifted his arm over calum's shoulders and pulled him closer. calum liked being this close to luke, he was always warm and smelt good and made calum feel safe.

"what are we going to do after school? like, we both were already accepted into the same college in the beginning of the year so obviously we'll be going to college, but what about, ya know, after that? that's when our lives really start. will we still be together?" calum asked and the car went silent. but it wasn't awkward silence, the air was filled with curiosity and confusion.

"i don't know, cal. people change so who knows how we'll feel later on. but if we still feel the same, and maybe even feel stronger, then i'm sure we'll be together." luke said quietly. "i hope we are, though."

"i hope so, too." the car went silent again and this time it wasn't anything. this time it was just silence. both boys lost in their own thoughts.

"ya know, this probably isn't the most romantic place or perfect time, but, like, i love you, i'm pretty sure." luke said even quieter. calum froze and looked up at luke with big eyes. he lifted himself off of luke and scooted back into his own seat.

luke frowned and panicked, he said it too earlier. calum probably doesn't love him. luke felt like crying and punching something at the same time.

"cal, i-"

"we should take a break." calum rushed out. luke stopped breathing for a second as calum kept his eyes on his lap. he stared at him in awe. "n-not permanently, just a break."


"sorry guys," jack suddenly entered the car, "aunt candice kept making me get more left overs of that nasty casserole thin- what's wrong with you guys?" he asked, noticing luke staring at calum with teary eyes and calum keeping his gaze on his lap.

"nothing. just-nothing. can you please take me home." calum said quietly. jack just looked at luke and back to the front before nodding and starting the car.

calum isn't sure why he reacted that way. he definitely wasn't expecting that. he knows he has strong feelings for luke but he also thought that with daniel. he thought he loved daniel and even though luke is nothing like daniel, calum can't help but be afraid of the same thing happening. he doesn't want to be hurt again. he doesn't want to let luke in just to have him break his heart.

calum thought he loved luke back but wasn't completely sure. he knew his feelings were strong for him but he's scared. not only scared of being heart broken but also scared of how strong his feelings towards luke are.

calum can't imagine how luke feels. he looked over at him just to see him staring blankly out the window with tear stained cheeks.
luke felt broken. his heart felt like calum had ripped it to shreds and stomped on it. he honestly hated the feeling and thought that no one, not even the worst human being ever, deserves to feel this way. it honestly hurts and luke can't feel anything physically. he feels numb. he doesn't feel the tears that seriously won't stop leaking out of his eyes. he doesn't feel jack's gazes through the mirror. he doesn't feel the car come to a stop in front of calum's house. he doesn't feel the car door slam shut and jack carry him to the front seat to keep an eye on him. he doesn't feel the car drive to their own house and he doesn't feel jack carry him inside and up to his room.

all he feels is heart break.


im back bros get ready for more updates this weekend

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