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"calum, what the hell?!" a loud, deep voice yelled, making luke and calum to shoot up. they must've fallen asleep together, tangled in each others arms. it's not like this is an abnormal thing, but daniel has explained how he doesn't like it.

"oh, hey danny." calum smiled sheepishly.

"don't fucking 'hey danny' me. what the fuck is luke doing in your bed?" he shouted and calum is glad mali and his mother leave early for work.

"dude, calm the fuck down. i was comforting him last night and must've fallen asleep, nothing happened so don't fucking yell at calum like that." luke snapped, standing up to his full height that was just about an inch smaller than daniel.

"don't tell me what to do, asshole. why the hell would he need comforting and why wouldn't he just call me? his actual boyfriend." daniel spat.

"oh, i don't know? maybe because it was you who forgot your actual boyfriends' birthday?!" luke shouted back and now the two were yelling and bickering back and forth.

calum hated yelling. it reminded him of when his dad and mum used to argue and yell. he covered his ears and kept his head in between his knees, trying not to cry because daniel said he's not pretty when he cries.

"fuck you, asshole!" luke shouted and shoved daniel backwards a bit and oh no, this was going to get out of hand.

luke has a certain history with anger issues, only calum and luke's family know about it. so when daniel pushes luke back even harder, he really doesn't know what he was getting himself into.

luke took a deep breath as daniel shoved him more and shouted in his face. he tried to keep his cool, his face turning red with anger and his jaw clenching. calum looked up and noticed and immediately ran to luke to pull him away, but he was too late. luke had already brought his fist to daniel's face about three or four times.

daniel fell backwards onto the floor while luke got on top of him, repeatedly punching him and shouting in his face.

"luke! stop it!" calum screamed and luke finally stopped and rolled off of daniel. daniel got a few good punches in there as well, leaving luke with a bloody nose and lip, luckily not on his lip ring.

"fucking hell. i'll see you at school, cal." luke mumbled and grabbed his things before leaving and stomping downstairs. he slammed the door and calum flinched.

daniel sighed and wiped the blood from his lip and cheek. he stood up and glared at calum.

"i'm sorry, daniel. nothing happened, i promise." calum mumbled. daniel rolled his eyes and realized calum had a hard morning already. he sighed and pulled calum into a hug, rubbing his warm bare back.

"i'm sorry, baby. please don't be mad, i just can't help myself. i don't want to lose such a pretty little thing like you, and i don't like sharing." daniel said and kissed calum's head.

"i know, danny. i love you." calum mumbled.

and just like usual when calum says that, daniel just nodded and hummed. "alright, babe. go get ready because we're probably already late for school." he said and calum headed off to his closet to get some clothes.


at school daniel didn't hold calum's hand. calum knew he was probably still upset about this morning so he just ignored it and kissed his cheek before they went their separate ways.

calum went to first period english that he has with luke. it was good he and luke had four classes together, he needed to talk to him about this morning.

calum entered the class and since it was homeroom, they had an extra ten minutes in the beginning to just talk or finish homework or something.

calum saw luke sitting in the back where his seat was, and calum's seat was right next to his. he sat down next to luke, but the blond didn't notice, just kept looking down at his phone.

calum noticed he changed clothes, was now in black jeans and a burgundy button up. his lip was cleaned up but was red and a little swollen and his eye had a dark purple bruise right on his cheek bone.

"hi luke." calum squeaked.

luke looked up and sighed when he saw calum. "hey cal." he mumbled and kept his gaze down onto his phone that was off.

"are you okay?" calum asked even quieter. he knew luke was probably still hyped up and he knew better not to aggravate him after an episode like that. he had to learn that the hard way which ended with luke breaking calum's door and his own arm.

"yes, cally, i can handle a few punches. are you okay? he didn't hurt you, right?" luke asked, finally looking at calum.

"no, he never physically hurts me."

"yet" luke mumbled and calum didn't hear.

"i'm sorry, luke. i didn't think he'd get so mad about us sleeping in the same bed. he knows you and i are just friends." calum sighed and luke just nodded.

"it's my fault, i went off on him. i left my meds at home so i wasn't really in control." luke shrugged and calum smiled small, glad that it wasn't really luke who was fighting daniel, just his unmedicated side.

"how about i take you out for ice cream after school, yeah? then you can come to my house and we can go swimming in my pool." luke said with a growing smile. calum giggled as the smile grew and he nodded.

"okay, yeah. that sounds like a plan."


i didn't meet my objective of 1000 words, soz. it's only 940 something.

ice cream date and pool time next chapter.

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