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calum felt like shit the next day. he wore black leggings and a oversized sweater, making him look lazy and tired, which he was. he spent all night crying because he kept thinking luke would leave him for arzaylea. that led up to him hating luke and ignoring him in first period. and what made it worse was that luke acted completely oblivious to what he was doing.

calum had ignored him most of the day but now he had a free period with michael and luke, but he avoided luke so he was just sitting in the library with michael. he didn't wear makeup today so he was free to cry all he wanted on michael's shoulder.

"i just don't understand what makes her so much better than me that he has to give her all this attention." calum sniffled. his eyes were puffy and red and his lips were set in a cute pout.

"absolutely nothing, she's not better than you, cal. you're so pretty and funny and cute and if luke is going to ignore you for her, then you don't need him." michael sighed. of course he loved luke but he hated that luke was being so careless and dumb, making calum cry.

"but i do need him is the thing. i wish i didn't let this get to me but it does. luke is just so attractive and i'm so-"

"if you say anything negative i'll pull off your eyelashes." michael threatened and calum giggled softly. michael smiled because at least calum was a little happy now. he was getting tired of seeing his best friend upset.

"go ahead, i've had my eyes on these new fake eyelashes for a wh-"

"hey cally." calum groaned because he loved that voice but just not right now when he's trying to ignore him.

luke sat down at the table right next to calum and tried to kiss his cheek but calum moved away. michael took this as his cue to leave so he up and left.

"what's wrong, babe?" luke frowned. "you've been acting strange lately."

calum rolled his eyes because he's so oblivious it's annoying. "you've been acting strange lately." calum mocked him.

luke chuckled and rolled his eyes right back. "okay well now you're just being stubborn." luke frowned.

"you're being stubborn."

"now you're being childish." luke chuckled because calum actually had his arms crossed and a pouty face, just like a child who didn't get the toy they wanted.

calum was annoyed and fed up so he stood up, grabbed his back and stomped out of the library. he heard luke's footsteps following him so he sped up, only to be grabbed by the waist roughly and spun around. hands were on the back of his thighs and he was pushed up against the cold lockers.

"luke, put me down you asshat." calum squirmed but luke didn't budge.

"nope." luke said. calum squirmed and sighed when he realized he was stuck. he then went with something that would always work, he bit his shoulder.

luke hissed in pain and dropped calum. calum glared at him when he saw luke chuckling. "i bit you, what's so funny?" calum pouted.

"you are." luke smirked and calum had had enough. luke wasn't taking this seriously when he's been upset for the past few days. he's so annoyed at the blond that he could just slap him. which he did.

he brought his hand up to slap him but luke grabbed his tiny wrist before it hit him and pushed calum against the lockers again. "wanna try that again, sweetheart?"

calum thought that was really hot but to prove his point he shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest.

"stop being so mean. i've been upset for days while you're out with that arzaylea girl." calum finally said and luke broke out into a full smile.

"that's why you're mad?" luke laughed. "i won't stop being mean until you stop being so jealous and bratty. if you hadn't noticed i don't even enjoy being around arzaylea, i'm just not an asshole to her and force her away. she's new and has no friends cal, i'm just being nice." luke explained.

great, now calum felt even more like shit but also guilty. he felt like guilty shit.

"oh." he mumbled. that made sense since luke does always seem annoyed around her. and that laugh the other day seemed a little forced. he should've known luke wouldn't have done anything like that on purpose. "i'm sorry for being so jealous."

"it's okay, beauty. i'm just glad you're not mad at me anymore, right?" luke asked, grabbing calum's hips and pulling him closer.

"yeah, i'm not mad." calum mumbled into luke's shirt. luke smiled and kissed his forehead before picking him up bridal style and bringing him back to the library. they spent the rest of the free period kissing and being all lovey dovey in the library.


calum sighed as he finished up the last bit of homework he had. it was about 10 pm and he was exhausted but not sleepy because he had a two hour nap after school. luke came over and played with calum's hair until he fell asleep, then he just left.

calum sat up in his bed and looked around the room. it was missing something. that something was luke. it was more like luke's lips and hands but mainly luke.

he pulled up his contact in his phone and called him. it rang a few times before he picked up, his voice all deep and groggy. "hello?"

"did i wake you?" calum asked quietly, playing with the hem of his (luke's) t shirt.

"yeah, kinda. but i'm glad to wake up for you." luke said. "what's up, love?"

"well i was going to ask you to come over but you sound super tired. i guess my new pretty pink panties will have to wait unt-"

"i'll be over in a minute, cal." he rushed out and hung up, making calum giggle and fall back into his sheets.


smut next chapter or no? idc its up to you guys

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