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"what?" calum asked, completely shocked by luke's answer.

"you heard me. it meant something to me. i'm sorry if you don't feel the same but it's so hard to deny it calum. it's hard to ignore my feelings for you when they're all i can think about." luke spoke so quickly and he sounded confused himself but he's knows he's never been more confident in what he's saying. "i'm not sure what's wrong with me but you're always in my head. you're soft voice is the voice that's always playing in my head, you're smile is what makes my mind go all mushy. i wish i knew how to stop it but i also am glad that you're the only thing that occupies my mind. but i like you calum, and i really want to know if you do too."

calum was silent. he was so confused. he thought he and luke were just really close friends. they were like brothers.

but now that he thinks about, brothers don't necessarily act the way they do. brothers don't cuddle and share small touches like they do. and brothers don't feel tingly when their brother touches them in one place for too long.

"say something. please. don't just stare at me like that." luke pleaded and calum hated seeing luke like this. all sad and weak.

"i don't know what to say." calum said and he's pretty sure the bell rang already and barely anyone was out anymore but he didn't even realize.

"anything. say what you're thinking." luke begged.

"i'm thinking about how this will work out." calum sighed.

the problem was luke was thinking with his heart and calum was thinking with his brain and nothing made sense.

"it will work out fine. our families love each other, our friends would be fine with it, nothing bad could come out of this." luke said quietly, stepping closer to calum.

calum sighed and shook his head. "i-i'm sorry luke, i just need some time to think." calum said and walked off to his class that he was already late for, leaving luke confused and broken hearted.


lunch rolled around and calum still was confused. all he's been able to think about was luke but he still had no answer for the boy.

he walked down the hall to his locker to put his books away. they were almost empty, a few students at their lockers but most were in the cafeteria. calum quickly put his stuff away and closed his locker, only to be pushed against it.

he couldn't see who it was behind him but he had a pretty good idea by the voice and rough hands.

"hey cal, you look good in those leggings." daniel whispered and calum cringed as he squeezed his cheeks roughly.

"get off of me. what part about breaking up do you not get?" calum sassed and pushed him away. he began walking off quickly, ignoring daniel's calls as he entered the cafeteria.

he spotted michael and ashton playing with turkey slices by putting them in michael's face. he rolled his eyes at his friends and walked over to them.

"i'm not even gonna ask." he said as he sat down opposite of them. ashton giggled and michael slid one of the slices into his mouth.

"ashton's mum put way too much turkey on his sandwich and we couldn't just let it go to waste." michael explained.

"so you thought instead of eating it, you should put it on your face?" calum snorted and the other two laughed. the three talked and ate for a while until the thought of luke came up. where was he?

"where's lu-" before calum could ask there was shouting and a crowd forming at the back of the cafeteria. ashton and michael stood tall and were able to see over it. they looked wide eyed and rushed over to the scene, calum following quickly behind.

they got there and weaved through the huge circle to get to the middle where luke was on top of daniel, repeatedly punching him.

"luke!" ashton shouted and rushed into the middle pulling the blond off. luke was strong but it was obvious ashton was stronger, like, have you seen his biceps?

ashton dragged luke away, wrapping his arms around the blonds waist and carrying him out of the cafeteria with him trying to get out of his grip.

calum and michael followed after but not without michael kicking daniel weakly and running away after.

michael and calum walked into the boys bathroom after five minutes of looking for the other two. as soon as calum walked in he walked straight up to luke and slapped his cheek, hard. it didn't do much to luke since he had little baby hands but it hurt.

"ow, what the-" luke was cut off by calum's lips meeting his. luke paused for a moment before reacting and kissing back. he brought his hands to calum's cheeks and kissed him back harder, making calum whimper softly into the kiss. ashton and michael had left by then and luke brought his hands down to calum's waist.

luke let his tongue slip into calum's mouth and explore it. calum sucked on his tongue until luke pulled away with flushed cheeks.

"what was that for?" luke asked breathlessly.

"which, the slap or the kiss?" calum said softly.


"the slap was for fighting daniel, even though he probably deserved it. and the kiss was your answer." calum smiled softly. luke still had his arms wrapped around the smaller boys waist and calum's tiny hands were pressed against his chest.

"my answer? for what?" luke asked.

"you wanted to know if i liked you back. and the kiss was obviously a yes." calum explained and luke couldn't help the smile that played on his lips.

luke leaned down and captured his lips in a quick kiss again before leaning his forehead against calum's. "and yeah, daniel did deserve that with the way he groped you in the hall."

"you saw that?" calum's cheeks went pink.

luke nodded but shrugged, "at least now he knows you're mine."


next few chapters will probably just be cake fluff then some drama bc what's a good story without some dramatic problem that makes us all want to stop reading the book because nothing went our way

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