Chapter 2

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When I get home from work I'm greeted by the smell of something burning. I set my things down and run towards the kitchen, terrified Zayn has set something on fire. 

"What are you--Perrie?" I come to stop when I see Ms. Edwards, one of the assistant principles, standing next to Zayn. Her blond hair falls down her back and her body is complimented in a gorgeous red dress. My eyes fall to Zayn, who stands hunched over the sink scraping at a burned pan.  

"What did I miss?" I glance from Ms. Edwards to Zayn, trying to piece together what is going on. 

"I invited Perrie over for dinner and tried to actually cook something, but... it failed," Zayn sighs. I'm not surprised at Zayn's failed attempt at cooking. Neither of us are the best at it and normally resulted in us ordering take-out or pizza. 

"So you're gonna cook for Ms. Edwards, but not me? Wow, years of friendship and this is the thanks I get. Why her anyway, no offense of course," I clear up. She excuses the questions with a shake of her hand, expressing that she isn't taking offense to it, thankfully. 

"We're on a date," Perrie says, smiling. A date? I try to run through my mind when Zayn told me that he was going on a date with Perrie. Nothing comes to mind and I sigh deeply. 

"When did you guys start dating?" 

"We've been dating for a couple weeks now. How did you miss it?" Zayn raises an eyebrow. I shrug. Zayn turns back to the pan and gives up, throwing it in the sink and walking towards Perrie. 

"Well, I'll leave you two alone... just if you have sex... not on my bed. Or the couch. Or in my bathroom. Actually, keep it in Zayn's room alright," I sigh. I turn to leave, not wanting to intrude on their date any longer than I already am. I go to the porch and pull out my phone, wondering who I should spend the rest of my night with. 

Screw it, I think as I put Mr. Styles' number into my phone and send him a text. 

To: Hot Math Teacher

u doing anything tonight? 

My roomie has a girl over and thats 2 str8 4 me

I go to put my phone up, guessing it will take him a while to see it. My phone buzzes before I have the chance to shove it in my pocket. Shocked, I open it and see he has already texted back. 

From: Hot Math Teacher

I'm not doing anything. 

To: Hot Math Teacher

how about we get dinner somewhere

From: Hot Math Teacher


To: Hot Math Teacher

nooo im just going to take u 2 a restaurant and sit w/ someone else

yes together

From: Hot Math Teacher

Okay, that sounds nice I guess. Where do you want to eat? 

To: Hot Math Teacher

ill pick you up and take you to olive garden? 

From: Hot Math Teacher

As long as you know you're not getting into my pants afterwards that sounds alright. 

To: Hot Math Teacher

great now my plans are ruined

I stand and go back into the house to change out of my school clothes. When I get to my bedroom I pull off my shirt and throw it on the floor. 'I'll pick it up later'. I sniff my arm, 'not to shabby'. I pull on a polo and roll on some deodorant. I take a moment, trying to find my only pair of slacks. 

I turn towards the mirror to check my appearance. I run a hand through my hair real quick before picking my keys up off the dresser and leaving my room. "I'm heading out, don't call me," I yell. I wait a second for a response and shrug it off when I don't hear one. 

I look down at my phone and see that Mr. Styles had sent me his address already. Good. I send him a quick text saying I'll be there in about 5 before climbing into my car and heading off. 


"You mean to tell me that you haven't been to Olive Garden since high school," I ask. I've already picked up Mr. Styles and, damn, he looks good. He has taken his glasses off, allowing me to see his green eyes better, and his hair is down. 

"The last time I came here was when I took my... boyfriend here on a date. I had planned on going again with him, but something came up and we ended up... not going," Harry sighs. 

"I'm sorry, well I mean... you're here now. Who knows, maybe it was meant to be after all. I bet he was a massive douche," I say. I hold the door open for him. He stops and looks at me before entering with his head down. Is he really upset about that? I mean I would've been too, but it was in high school. 

The lady at the front desk asks, "How many are in your party?" I notice she's older, probably pushing 60. Her hair is pulled into a loose bun on the top of her head and is streaked with silver. She glances across our faces and stops, pointing at us.

"You two look so familiar... oh! You two came here a while back, didn't you? Oh, must've been 5 or 6 years, you two would've been in high school." I furrow an eyebrow. She must be thinking of someone else, because I didn't know Harry in high school. I turn towards Harry and notice his confused expression. 

"You must be mistaken. The name is...," Harry looks at me for a moment as if he's waiting for me to say something. He gulps and looks down, whispering his last name, "Styles, thank you." 

She taps that in while handing us our buzzer. "Sorry about the confusion, but you two look like these two boys that came here once. Sorry, I must be thinking of my grandson," The lady, Jadie, sighs. I thank her and head towards one of the couches. 

"So, did you grow up here," I ask. Harry looks up and smiles. 

"I went to Blackwell High School from freshman to junior year and then transferred to South Bay as a senior," He explains. 

"That's cool. I went to South Bay throughout high school. I can't believe I never met you. Weird. Who did you hang out with? I was on the soccer team," I say. I wanted to keep the conversation going. I did find it weird that he went to the same school as me, but I don't remember seeing him. It's a small school, so everyone kind of knows everyone, even if you didn't hang out with them.

"I hung out with the nerds. I loved math, as you can probably tell. I knew of you, but I just never had the... guts to go talk to you I guess," Harry murmurs. I open my mouth to respond, but get cut off as our buzzer goes off. 


Hey guys! I'm so glad I got a few new faces on the last chapter! If you're reading this for the first time leave a comment saying so and you'll get a chance to get the next chapter dedicated to you! Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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