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AHHH! It's happening! You guys wanted a sequel, but I figured this could be a little more interesting! There's officially a prequel out for this book! I know it's been a while since I've written this book, but I'm just now ending a past work and finally have time. 

I'll go ahead and give y'all the bio and a small sample from the first chapter! 


The one where Louis is a varsity soccer player and Harry'd rather solve math problems.


Louis Tomlinson is the star soccer player at South Bay High School. Harry Styles is a new student. What will Louis do when he realizes he's starting to fall for Harry? What will he do when he realizes his abusive ex, Stan, isn't as supportive as he lets on? 


I hate the first day of school. Thankfully, I'm a senior which means this will be my last first day of school (besides college, but I don't want to think about that). I tug on the end of my bookbag as I make my way down the hallway. I approach my new locker and open it.

"Hey, Hot Stuff," Someone says. I cringe, already knowing who's behind him. I feel the hand on my shoulder and stiffen. "Hey Lou," Stan whispers in my ear. I twist away from him and flick him off.

"Fuck off, Stan, we aren't dating anymore. I'm not scared of you--," I'm cut off by Stan grabbing my arm roughly. I'm sure it'll leave a bruise the following day. It'll just be the next addition to the endless list of bruises he's given me. He leans down to my ear.

"Should be, Tomlinson," He whispers. Stan pulls back and smiles at me. He winks at me before walking to his first period. I hate him. I regret dating him and I wish he would just disappear into the unknown.

I set my bag down and empty its' contents into my locker. I see a figure approach me from the side. I gulp, praying that it isn't Stan again. However, I'm not met with rough hands pushing me or dirty words whispering in my ear. I look up at the stranger and suck in a breath.

He's gorgeous, I'll give him that. His hair is curly and sticks out in strange directions as if he'd ruffled his curls with his hands. He's about medium height, but incredibly lanky. His eyes are covered behind glasses which makes it harder to tell their color, but I'm sure they're light. Maybe hazel.

"Hi," He mutters. I stand and awkwardly cough. He opens the locker next to mine and starts emptying his things in it. I don't recognize the boy, which is strange because the school's small, so everyone knows everyone. He's probably an underclassman, but he gives off different vibes. However, he still carries the nervousness of a freshman.

"What grade are you in," I blurt. The question spills from me without thinking. I instantly wish I could take back the sentence and run, but it's too late. The boy turns and looks at me. Now, I can tell that his eyes are green. A kind of welcoming and warming green.

"Uh, I'm a senior. I'm new," He explains. I nod. That makes sense. We awkwardly stare at each other a moment longer. I cough. The boy throws me a lopsided grin. I raise my eyebrows, trying to find an escape. "My name's Harry," He says softly. 

To read the full chapter go to my account and click on 'Student Athlete' the prequel to this story. 

I hope you guys are excited for this as I am! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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