Chapter 3

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"Want to know one of my favorite things about this place," I ask. We have just placed our orders and are now waiting for our food to come out. There isn't a lot of talking while we look over the menu. I've come to the conclusion already that Harry has a hard time opening up to people. 

"Sure," Harry hums. His eyes are focused on his napkin as he unfolds it and drapes it across his lap like a princess. He looks up and gives me a small, fond smile. 

"It takes a long time for them to bring out good, so I have more time to talk to you," I start. Harry smiles a little bigger, this time showing his dimples. I can even see a small tint of pink forming on his cheeks. "How about we just ask each other questions to get to know each other. I'm shit at just randomly listing stuff about me," I joke. Harry purses his lips before shrugging, obviously hesitant.  

"Sounds fun I guess, you can start," Harry replies. 

"Alright, what's the story about the boy you dated. It sounded like it meant a lot to you," I ask. I find myself intrigued with the small story about Harry's ex-boyfriend. Since finding out we went to the same school for a year I've  been dying to find out if I knew him or not. However, Harry's face goes pale as he fumbles for his words. 

"It was senior year and he was my first boyfriend, relationship actually, and I...uh don't know. We went on a date and...dated a bit and then he...well something happened and we found someone...better I guess," Harry sighs. What an idiot. I try to think back, wondering if I knew anything about a couple in high school. There weren't a lot of gay guys back then, nonetheless a gay couple. My mind blanks, as per usual, and I'm met with a black nothingness regarding my last year of schooling. 

"What's your favorite color," Harry asks. He looked absentminded, as if he wasn't completed here. 

"Blue," I answer. He sighs softly as he looks down at one of the many rings he wore. I haven't noticed how many he's wearing until now. He twirls one around his finger and mutters something I don't catch. 

"What did you say," I question. Harry looks up, giving me a confused look. "You just said something, but I didn't catch it." 

"Don't worry about it, I was just...thinking out loud," He mutters again. I can't stand when people pull stuff like that. I have been in a room where people talk about me, but not loud enough for me to hear, for nearly a whole year. It's frustrating having to go through something like that. 

"My next question is what did you just say," I demand a little louder this time. Harry looks up, eyebrows pulled into a worried expression. I watch as his face relaxes, obviously giving in. 

"I said, it's still the same," He answers quietly.

My brain runs, nearly tripping over itself as I try to make sense of what he just said. "How did you know my favorite color? If you knew then why did you ask? I...I don't...," I stammer. 

He sucks in a breath as he tries to piece together something. I watch him as he looks over my shoulder and sighs. "Oh uh, the food's  here," He murmurs. I turn around and see the waitress coming over with two plates of food. She sets it down in front of us without much of a word before hurrying off.  

He takes another delicate bite of food before whispering, "I'm sorry, Lou." I pause, fork halfway to my mouth as the nickname slips from under his breath and passes between us.  


I've already dropped off Harry and I'm pulling into my parking lot, when I see the strange car parked in our driveway. I don't recognize the car at all and stop as my heart starts to race. 

I see a strange, hooded figure slowly walk from behind the house to the mystery car. I slouch in my seat, not wanting to be seen by the person in case they're a killer or something. There isn't anything urgent about them as they climb into their car. 

I slip out of my car after I see the car drive off. Visions of Zayn's and Perrie's dead and bleeding bodies play in my head as I slowly open the door. I sigh loudly as I see Zayn sitting on the couch, looking about as normal as ever. 

"Did you see that car that was parked in the driveway? There was this creepy person wearing a black hoodie walking towards it and then driving away. I thought something happened," I say. Zayn turns to me and gulps lightly. 

"It was nothing...they were coming over to talk to me. A co-worker. Nothing huge," Zayn stammers. I knew he was lying, I mean why would a co-worker come to the house after 8? I let it slide, not wanting to get caught up in something I didn't want to get caught up in. 

"I'm going to bed. Please tell me you didn't have sex on it," I sigh. Zayn shakes his head no and I head towards my room. I quickly peel off my clothes and climb into bed. I find myself drifting to sleep as I lay my head down.

"Lou! Louis! Open your eyes silly," Someone laughs. I open my eyes in confusion and look around. I'm in an unfamiliar house. The walls are a dark green and a picture of deer was hung on the wall. I turn around and see a boy. His face was blurry, almost as if my mind didn't know who it was, but remembered the moment. I look towards the bed and see...myself, but younger. I recognized my terrible hairstyle and dressing as senior year. 

I see that the boy is holding something, a box. I didn't have to see his face to tell he was excited. He was rocking back and forth on his feet as he handed the young me the box and sat next to him. I walk towards the pair, feeling slightly invasive as I watch. 

"Open it! I can't wait to see your reaction," The boy sighs. 'I watch as 'I' open the box and see a familiar jersey. It was my Los Angeles Galaxy soccer club jersey. I still owned it to this day. 

"It's great! Thanks, I'm going to wear it tomorrow," 'I' promise. The younger me brings the boy into a hug. Even as I stood there, watching the moment, I could tell how much this boy meant to me when I was younger. I longed to know who was giving me the gift.  

"I'm glad you like it," The boys whispers into past me's ear. 

"I don't like it, I love it. And I love you too," 'I' kiss he boy on the nose. I try not to cringe as I hear myself say 'I love you'. Even in high school I found it weird to say it unless I truly felt it towards someone. I'm lead to the conclusion this boy had to mean something to me. 

"I love you too, promise you'll always be here with me," The boys sighs softly. 


I jolt awake and stare up at my ceiling.

Who was the boy in the dreams? I didn't let anyone call me Lou unless they were super close to me and the way we were acting towards each other lead me to believe he was my boyfriend. I knew I had a boyfriend in high school, Mom told me that numerous times, but I doubt that it was who I was thinking of. He was never...romantic enough for something like that. 

There was only one person that really knew what happened senior year and one person who would help me figure out what was going on. 

My mother. 


Hey guys. So, dedication goes to missyoualwayslwt ! I'm so glad you love it as much as I do! Thoughts on everything so far? Thanks so much for reading and I really hope you enjoyed! ~B

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