Chapter 7

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It's the following Saturday and I can't be more nervous as Zayn picks up his car keys. I can't believe I'm doing this. "Ready for your afternoon of memories," Zayn asks. I give a small nod as I follow him to his car. 

"So, where first," I ask. I don't know how to feel. On one hand, I'm excited to learn more about senior year, but I'm also terrified, what if I hear something I don't want to hear? 

"School," Zayn answers. The word reminds me of the fight I had with Harry earlier last week, but I push it from my thoughts. This is supposed to be a fun afternoon, or at least an educational one. A few minutes later we drive up on the school. 

Zayn parks the car and we climb out together. I follow him as he leads me to the soccer stands. He pulls out a set of keys and unlocks the gate, opening them wide enough to allow both of us in. Zayn leads me to towards the stands and gestures for me to sit somewhere. 

"This is where everything began. It was November and you kept obsessing over--we'll just call him S, I don't like saying his name anyway--S," Zayn explains. "You and I were sitting over here and S and his friends were sitting a few rows behind us. One of S' friends came over to us and handed you a little duck made out of paper. The guy told you to unfold it and you did. On the inside was...

"Date me," I read. The guy points at his friend, I turn hoping to see the person and confirm that Stan had been the one to ask me out, but instead I see a blurry face. I try to focus on it more, but my brain wouldn't allow me to make out the person. 

"Tell him it's a yes," I hear myself say. The guy smiles and dashes back to his friend to give him the big news. 


The next place Zayn took me to is the park. It's familiar. I remember coming here with Stan when we dated sophomore year, so I'm not surprised that we had come as seniors as well. 

"What's the deep story behind the park," I ask. I stick my hands in my pockets as Zayn leads me down a sidewalk. The park's pretty busy today (it is the weekend after all). There are a few people running and a couple kids at the play ground and I also notice an elderly couple sitting on a bench near the pond feeding the ducks. 

"This is where you guys kissed for the first time," Zayn starts. I turn to look at him, a little confused. 

"How do you know that we had our first kiss here? Were you spying on us or something?" Zayn rolls his eyes. He shoves me playful, laughing.

"No, jackass, you told me about it," He explains. We sit for a while, soaking in the sunset. I glance back over to the elderly couple and find myself falling into another memory. 

"You look cute today," S says. I wanted to believe it was Stan, but the sounded off. Not like him, but familiar. I couldn't place it. 

"Thanks," I mutter. The boy leans in and presses his lips to mine. It was sweet and innocent. It wasn't like a heavy make-out session or even open-mouthed. It was wonderful and afterwards I got a feeling in my stomach I had experienced recently. 


"Isn't this the place the team went after every game," I ask. We enter a small ice-cream shop a few miles from school. I'm surprised the place is still running. It only has 3 booths and a small table, not counting the booth at the front where you pay and get the ice-cream.

"Yes it is. It also happens to be the first time you--"

"Guys, this is my boyfriend." 

"Came out," I answer for him. He turns to look at me, clearly shocked. I shrug, trying to downplay the moment, but I think Zayn can tell I'm pleased with myself. 

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