Chapter 19

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The drive home is heavy. It feels as if something was weighing me down, but I have no clue what it is. The vision of the ambulance keeps playing over in my head and Harry's voice is with it. He's at the dentist. He's fine. He should be home by now making a wonderful dinner. Everything is fine. 

I pull into the driveway and frown as I don't see Harry's car. We normally didn't use the other vehicle, but we had to today. He was supposed to be home. He was probably late. I grab my things and open the door. I was waiting for Harry to jump from around the corner and hug me, but there was no Harry.  

I set my bag on the ground as I usually do before deciding he was probably asleep. I walk towards our room, praying that Harry was asleep under the blankets. I gasp as I see the mess surrounding our bed. Clothes were thrown onto the bed and the drawers were open. It looked like someone had gone through our stuff. My heart drops as I notice some of Harry's clothes were missing. I pull my phone out and see a ton of missed calls from Anne. 

I redial her number, but it goes to voicemail. I start to get panic and run into the kitchen, hoping to find something in there. I stop as I see a note on the table. 

Harry's been in an accident. At Hope Medical Center. Please come asap 


I drop everything and dash towards my car. It hits me, after a while, that maybe the ambulance I saw on my way home was Harry. I sob out as I pull into the parking lot. What if he was dead? What would I do? I don't think I could function without him. 

I dash into the waiting room, startling a couple of people in the lobby, but I couldn't care less. I approach the front desk, probably looking like a mad-man. 

"Harry Styles? Harry Styles, is he okay?" I ask, the lady looks at me funny before typing the name into her computer. 

"He's in recovery, room 162. Only family are allowed at the moment," She tells me.

"I'm his partner, please I need to see him." She nods me through. I quietly thank her before dashing off to the 100-200 area of the hospital. I find the room quickly and open the door.  

Inside, I see Harry. His hair was nearly gone and he had a couple cuts and bruises on his face, but other than that he looked fine. He was sitting up in his bed and talking with his mom, who sat next to him. 

"Harry? Are you okay? Oh my god, you're not dying right? He's not dying," I ask. I take a step towards him, too shocked to do anything. He furrows his eyebrows at me, clearly confused. 

"Louis?" I look to Anne, hoping for some sort of answers. She gives me a small frown. This wasn't good. No, no it had to be. He was fine. I look back over to Harry and sigh deeply. 

"Yea, What happened Lov--" Anne stands up, shutting me up quick. 

"I'm going to talk to Louis outside for a moment, but we'll be back," Anne promises. She takes my arm and leads me outside. Once the door is shut she frowns deeply.

"Anne, what's happening? Does he remember anything? What's going on? I don't even know why he's here really!" The questions spill from me without thinking. She puts her hands up, signaling me to slow down. 

"It's happened again, Louis. Harry was driving home from the dentist and he got in an accident. It was his fault from what I hear, but that's besides the point. A large object, probably some part of the car, hit his head. Nobody's really sure where his memory stands," She explains. 

"No. He's not allowed to forget. It's something minor and he'll be okay, we'll be okay," I demand. I can feel the tears threatening my eyes again, but I wipe them away. I couldn't cry. 

"Look, the doctors don't think it's okay to let anyone see him for now. It's just family, alright? They want to keep things familiar and easy for him." 

"Familiar? I'm familiar! We sleep in the same bed at night! After years of not being together we still managed to find each other and our hands still have each other memorized! You may be his mother, and god I'm thankful for that, but I'm one of the most familiar things to him."

"Louis, I know you're passionate, but you can't go in there. I'm not letting you. He may not even remember you. You'll just confuse him and make things worse! After the first time you left he went through some hard things and I don't want that to resurface. You need to leave until we know where his memories stand," She explains. I wanted to hit her, slap her, punch her, anything if it meant I could see him. 

"I left him? I never left him! I never had a fucking choice, Anne! Maybe if someone let me have a say in my own life he wouldn't have went through that. It wasn't my fault someone decided to kick my head in. Do you think I wanted to forget the most important person in my whole life? No, I love him so much and I refuse to give him up like this!" I lean forwards, my voice becoming soft and dangerously calm, "I'm not a teenager anymore Anne, I make my own choices now."

"Louis don't!" It's the last thing I hear before I open the door to the room and let myself in. Harry's eyes sparkle as he looks at me. My heart-rate increases and I move towards him, settling myself next to his bed. 

"Louis? Please tell me this is really you and not something my head made up," Harry begs. I grab his hands and bring them to my lips, placing a shaky kiss on them. I didn't want to look scared in front of him, but I was.

"No, I'm real, very real, and I love you okay? They made you walk out last time, but I'm not doing that. I'm sitting right here and I'm going to be there for you," I say strongly. Harry's eye light up. 

"They keep jumping around everything when I ask... I know about this school year, though. The doctors told me I have a-a... concussion? I'll remember everything... My mom is uh... is convinced that I've forgotten everything, but I-I haven't. Everything's a little... confusing right now and nothing's in order in my brain, but uh, I know that we work together and that we... live together and that we have... amazing sex." I laugh loudly. He would be okay.  

"So you remember me? You remember the promise rings and everything?" 

"You act like you're... forgettable, Tomlinson. I could never... ever... forget you, okay? If my brain even attempted to tell me differently... my heart would riot," Harry says weakly. 


Hey guys! Please don't read the previous comments on this chapter. The first time I published it went NOTHING like this. THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER!! The epilogue is next, which I'm really excited for. (Don't read the comments on that either, I'll explain in that chapter). I think my next editing project with be Bathroom Boys. If you're interested in that I'll have the bio in the epilogue. Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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