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"Mr. and Coach Styles, you're needed in the teacher's lounge. I repeat, Mr. and Coach Styles you're needed in the teacher's lounge," The PA system calls. Louis smiles, loving the way it sounded. Him and Harry had been married for over a year now and both still weren't over it.

"Hmm, hear that Coach Styles," Harry mumbles. Harry loved teasing him about the name. Neither of them cared who took who's name. So, naturally, they had a rock-paper-scissor competition.

"Yea, can you let me go Mr. Styles so we can do our jobs," Louis teases. Harry rolls his eyes, but steps back.

They start towards the teacher's lounge. At that point everyone at the school knew of the two teachers. Some were naive enough to think that they were brothers or were related in some way. Both were quick to shut those rumors down when they came up.

They both stop as they get to the front door of the lounge and realize what was going on. Through the window, you could see the decorations. Louis opens the door and stops as everyone turns to them.

"Surprise," they shout. Louis looks over the crowd and laughs as he sees the room is decorated in green, pinks, and blues. He couldn't believe them. He finds Zayn among the crowd.

"Really, Z, I trusted you!" Zayn shrugs and gestures for the couple to take a seat at one of the tables. A diaper tower was played in the middle of it. Louis looks to Harry, who was even more shocked then Louis.

"Thought we weren't having a baby shower," Harry whispers. Louis points to Zayn who had started talking to some of the other teachers.

"He probably planned the whole thing," Louis explains. Both knew it would be a bad idea to tell Zayn they were going to be dad's, but Louis couldn't keep it from him. Zayn, also had a bad habit of spilling secrets, which is how this party came about.

"Move, I'm pregnant and we punch!" Louis laughs as he sees Miss. Nelson make her way into the teacher's lounge. Miss. Nelson had promised her uterus to the gay couple after they got married. Both were eager to expand their family and happily agreed.

"Nice of you to join us. You look great, Jesy," Harry compliments. He stands and brings the women into a hug. He bends down and kisses her stomach lightly. Louis pushes him away and looks at the stomach for himself.

"Hey little guy, this is your Dad. I can't wait to see you," Louis whispers. Harry roll his eyes.

"It's going to be a girl," Harry protests. Louis shrugs him off. They both knew they would be happy with whatever they get, but Harry preferred a girl and Louis preferred a boy.

"Well, me and Boogers need to eat. There is a cake, right? I'm starved," Jesy complains. She heads off somewhere to find a cake and the couple laugh. Jesy had been overly hungry lately, but neither could complain. She was feeding an extra mouth.

They chat with everyone for a bit, but after a while the music dies down and Zayn gets everyone's attention. "Hello! This isn't just a baby shower, because we're also having a sex reveal!" Harry and Louis smile. They were both excited.

They went with Jesy to nearly all her ultrasounds (only missing two) and in their place, they sent Zayn. Zayn was supposed to tell them everything that happened and come home with pictures, but they both realize that Zayn had kept the sex from them. Neither were too mad about it because they knew they would've found out eventually.

"We have a box right over here with balloons that will either be pink or blue. Both of you are going to open the box and then we'll see what you're having," Zayn explains. Louis and Harry walk towards the large box sat in the corner. They were surprised that they hadn't noticed it before.

Harry and Louis stand behind the box and look at each other. This would cement the idea of them having this child. It would become more real once they found out. They both nod and open the box.

Blue balloons come out and float towards the ceiling. Louis smiles widely and brings Harry into a hug. They were having a little boy, a son. Harry and Louis would be the fathers of the cutest little boy. Louis was overwhelmed. He didn't think this would be so emotional, but he felt like crying.

Harry pulls back and peered into the box. They frown as they see an envelope in the bottom. What else was there to find out? They already knew they were having a boy. Harry reaches down and picks it up. Everyone watches as Harry opens it.

"No, you... really?" Harry looks up at Jesy. Louis could see he was near tears. Louis grabbed for it, desperate to find out what it said. Harry runs towards Jesy and hugs her tightly. Louis takes the time to read the note over.

Say hi to your little son... and his plus one.

Louis drops the note. He looks at Jesy who blushes. He walks over to her and brings her into a hug. He couldn't believe this. They were having twins.

"I wanted it to be a surprise," She admits. Louis lets her go and grabs Harry. Harry was crying at this point and Louis knew he was near that too. They hug, both overwhelmed.

"We have another box for the plus one," Zayn admits. Harry pulls back and wipes his eyes. He takes the box from Zayn and hands part of it Louis. They look at each other before opening it. The box didn't hold any balloons, but was instead painted bright blue.

They were having twin boys. 


Hey guys! This is the end of Mr. Coach! I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did! It feels nice to have a proper ending to this now! I want to thank you guys so much for all the support! Since this book is finished, I will be editing my book Bathroom Boys. Bathroom Boys is a Larcel/Larry fic that I really hope you guys go and check out. I'm really excited to start editing it! Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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