Chapter 13

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"Ready?" Harry asks, our fingers twisted together. We sat in his car outside his mother's home, trying to find the courage to enter the house. I was still terrified. I knew I wanted to see things from my past and learn about it. However, it would be slightly terrifying seeing myself doing things while I had no knowledge of it. 

I should be mad at Harry for keeping everything from me for so long, but with the same logic I would have to be mad at Zayn. I couldn't be mad at Zayn, even if I wanted to. He would always find a way to crack my angry exterior and make me smile. So, I gave up on being mad at Harry and instead applauded him for telling me the truth, knowing it wouldn't be easy. 

"No, but I won't be any more ready in ten more minutes either," I sigh. Harry lets out a breathy chuckle before turning to me and placing a quick kiss on my lips. 

"You'll do great. If you're as brave as you were in high school, then you have nothing to worry about," Harry reassures me. I nod, trying to get myself to believe that this was easy. It should be easy compared to some of the other things I've done in my life. 

"Let's hope I haven't changed much then," I mutter. Harry takes back his hand so he can leave the car and I follow hesitatingly. We make our way to the door slowly. Harry brings his hand up to the door and knocks. 

The door opens before Harry can knock twice. A woman, about the same age as my mother, stands in the doorway. Her hair was about the same color as Harry's, except it was straight and fell past her shoulders. She wore a pair of jeans and a graphic t-shirt. The most striking thing about the woman was the way her eyes' sparkled.  

"Harry?" The woman asks. Harry gestures to me and I take a step closer so she could get a look at me. She raises a hand to her mouth as her jaw drops. She looks at Harry in shock and than back at me. 

"I'm Louis-"

"Tomlinson, I know. Come in," She says. She looked shocked as she moved to let us in. Harry guides me to the living room and gestures for me to sit. I shrug him off and decide to stand next to him. I wrap both of my hands around one of his nervously. He gives them a small squeeze as he talks to his mother. 

"Mom, this is Louis Tomlinson. He knows about everything that happened and that's why we're here," Harry explains.

"Oh, Louis. I'm so sorry for what happened to you. If it makes you feel any better, I was totally against pushing Harry out of your life. I knew what it would do to the both of you. I can't express how happy I am that you two are finally together again. Hopefully, for good this time," His mother says. Harry gives his mother a small smile. He gives me a quick glance and smiles at me. 

"Well, if you need us we'll be in my room." 

Harry moves me towards his room. When he opens the door I'm hit with a sense of familiarity. The walls were the same dark green like the walls from my dream. I noticed a familiar picture of a deer on one of the walls. Three boxes sat on the floor near Harry's closet. My heart leaps as I read my name in Harry's handwriting. I find myself leaning towards the box, but Harry moves towards the desk.

"What is that," I ask. I gesture towards the box on the shelf. Harry stops what he's doing and goes over and pulls it down from it's perch on the shelf. He blows the layer of dust off the top before opening the box to reveal hundreds of photos of me. 

"What is all of this?" I question as I pick up one of the photos. You could see me on the soccer field, my hands on my hips as I waited for a pass. I flipped it over and on the back was scribbled. 

3/8/10 Lou looking hella good.

I show it to him and he blushes. 

"The thing is, I wanted to make you a photo album at the end of the year, but you had your accident so I couldn't. I wrote little notes on the back so you could read them when you got the book," Harry explains. "Feel free to look through any of them."

I put the photo in the box and than pull out another. It was me, smiling, very awkwardly may I add, at the camera. The wind was blowing so my hair was messy and flying around in all sorts of directions. I was wearing the shirt that the person from my dream bought me. But, my smile was huge, and I guess that meant that no matter how ugly I looked, I was happy. 

I turned it over, wanting to see what he wanted to say about it. 

5/4/10 Louis is my new model. He looks beautiful. He doesn't like when I take his photo sometimes, but I still think that he's the prettiest person in the world. I don't think Louis likes being called pretty and beautiful either, because it's not 'masculine' enough for him, but he's my little butterfly. I mean he's so small and I love him so much. I just can't call him hot or sexy or handsome, because it just doesn' Louis, if you read this I just want to tell you that I love you so much and that you are my whole world and that you are the reason that I am my happiest. I will continue to keep taking photos of you and I hope that at some point you will be more comfortable showing off your beautiful, pretty, amazing looking face. I love you to the moon and back.

I turn around and see Harry, who was reading over my shoulder. He purses his lips and pulls me towards him.

"I love you, you know that. I know this is weird for you, but I do love you. Take all the time you need to, to adjust. I'll be here when you're ready," Harry whispers.

"Thank you."

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