Chapter 18

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It was nearing the last week of school and Zayn was starting to get better. I was a lot less stressed now, because summer was right around the corner.

I hear a knock on my door and groan. I stand and open it, shocked as I see Zayn. He wasn't allowed to leave the house very often, so I'm surprised to see him here. He looked a lot better than he had been before. The dark circles under his eyes were starting to fade away and he didn't smell so strongly of smoke. I was proud of Zayn for how far he had come.

"Hey! Harry said you were down here. I never thought you actually worked," He jokes. I roll my eyes and playfully shove him. It was nice to be so light-hearted.

"Ha ha, very funny, I do actually work thank you very much. So, how are you feeling, good? You look great," I compliment. Zayn looks himself over and shrugs. He wasn't acting like it, but I knew he was proud of himself. His eyes were shinning and he looked happy.

"Good, I actually feel good lately. It's nice to be back. I visited my classroom and it looks the same. It's strange being in there and not having to worry about getting grades in," Zayn explains. I can tell there's something else he wants to say, but wasn't. I had a feeling it was about Liam. They hung out in Zayn's classroom for the most part, so it must be hard for Zayn having to go in there and see everything.

"Have you talked to Liam at all. He came to me a while back and said that he was sorry. I wasn't sure if you two were talking or not," I say hesitantly. I wasn't sure how the two stood. Zayn sighs and scratches the back of his head.

"We just talked actually. It was lowkey because the cameras and everything, but he apologized. We're giving each other some space now. I think that we're going to hold off for anything until the school year ends. He'll feel a lot better about it then and I don't want to force him into anything he's not comfortable with. We're not having sex and I won't be his teacher so I can't lose my job. It's easier this way. We'll hang out on the DL until he turns 18," Zayn explains. I feel a lot better knowing that the two got their shit sorted out.

"That's good. Can't have you going to jail," I joke. Zayn nods and we talk a while longer about pointless things. It was nice catching up with my best friend and I didn't realize how much I had missed him.

It was nearing the end of the day when Harry came down to my office. He looked stressed and overwhelmed. He must've had a bad day. He was having more and more bad days lately, but I knew it was from stress. His team had put it upon him to design the final exam test and it was stressing him out a lot.

"Hard day," I ask. Harry gives a small nod and loosens the bun on his head. Zayn gives him a sorry look. "Nice catching up with you, Z, but we should be going, huh?" We share quick hugs and goodbyes before heading towards the car.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to break up you and Zayn's conversation," Harry apologizes. I shake my head and kiss him. He gives me a soft smile as I start the car up and start driving towards our home.

We pull up to the apartment a moment later. He goes to leave, but I grab his hand, forcing him to turn towards me. "Kiss me," I whisper. Harry smiles and leans in, connecting out lips together. He holds my head in place as our lips touch ever so gently. He sighs into me as he slowly moves back.

"I needed that, thank you," He hums. He pulls what stuff he needs out of the back seat and helps me out and into the house. I watch Harry as he flops into the couch. I set my things down and join him.

He wraps his longer arms around me and breathes deeply. "I could use a nap," He hums. He lets me go so he can lay down. I watch him pout as I stand up.

"I'm going to go order a pizza and we can camp out here tonight. We can watch some romantic movies and eat some pizza," I suggest. Harry nods and pulls a blanket over his lanky body. I roll my eyes as Harry lets out a little sigh.

"Can we watch The Notebook," He calls as I disappear into the kitchen.

"Absolutely," I shout back. I hear Harry mutter a quiet 'yay'.

I join him a moment later and lay on the couch. Harry wraps his arms around me again and pulls me tightly against him. "I love you," Harry whispers. I hum and bring one of his hands to my face. I kiss the top of his hand and mumble the words against his lips.


"I'm taking a half-day today, so please don't forget. I'll see you tonight for dinner though," Harry says. It was the following day and we were in my office. Harry felt a lot more relaxed today after our chilled evening the night before.

"Why are you leaving me," I pout. I sat on Harry's lap on the floor. I hated to admit how often we liked to do it, but it wasn't my fault he was comfortable.

"I have a dentist appointment, love, I'm sorry. Will you ever forgive me," Harry answers. I shake my head 'no' and he rolls his eyes, placing a kiss on my neck.

"Oh, I know a way for you to forgive me, wait till you get home. You'll be in for it," He whispers huskily. He lifts me off his lap and sets me on the floor next to him. He stands and makes sure he looks presentable before leaving.

As I prepare to go home later that day I hear an ambulance drive by. I stop and silently pray for whoever was in there and they're family. I knew how terrible it was to be in a situation like that.

Little did I know that I was, in fact, praying for myself.


Hey guys!!! So, big new, I'm writing a new book. This project is ending very soon, as I hate to admit it, and we only have two more chapters (including the epilogue). This is why I'm starting a new book with the lovely @destielshipper21 (I'll dedicate). 

We're starting a book together on my account called 'Charlie'. It's about Louis and Harry having to be faced with the reality that their only daughter, Charlie, has died. Please go check it out as it would mean a lot to us! Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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