Chapter 12

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The next morning Mr. Cowell told us that we were going on a hike. I was excited for the hike because that meant I could talk to Harry and claim I was just getting to know my co-worker. 

"Let's go ladies and gentlemen," Mr. Cowell proclaims. He claps his hands to try and get everyone's attention. Harry and I were already ready to go. He was clad in a button-down brown shirt, the shirt was made of a thin material made for being outside, with dark green cargo pants. His hair was tied back in a pony tail, showing off his beautiful face. 

"Ready," Harry asks. I give a small nod as I mentally go over what I had with me to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything. We trail behind the group a little bit and when we know nobody can see us, I slip my hand into his. 

"It feels like we already know each other. I know you mentioned us being friends, but when we kiss and stuff I just know what I'm supposed to do. It's almost like we have some soulmate voodoo going on," I say as I swing our hands. Harry let's out a little laugh, before shaking his head. 

"Not exactly as romantic as that. Louis, I think I should just tell you this now, so that in the future I don't have to worry about telling you this and you feeling betrayed. If I tell you know you can leave with a lot less... strings attached," Harry starts. 

"Yeah, go ahead. What's up?" 

"You know how I said we were really close in high school? We didn't just act like friends and we actually held hands and acted like this a lot," He says. "And we happened to kiss a lot, and um...both of us...liked it." I raise an eyebrow in confusion. 

"So we had a crush on each other? I thought I was dating Stan. Why would I kiss you a lot if I had a boyfriend at the time?" I knew that was something out of character, I hated cheating with a passion, so I doubted I would do something like that no matter how much I liked the person. 

"You didn't date...Stan. You dated me," He sighs. My heart drops. It was as if someone had taken a hammer and slammed it into me. The breath was knocked out me as the words take hold. Confusion settles inside of me as I try to find a logical explanation for everything. 

"What? Everyone told me I dated Stanley Lucas in the 12th grade, why should I trust your judgement over theirs," I ask, becoming aggravating. I trusted them to tell me the truth. They said that I dated Stan and I didn't? None of that makes any sense at all. I take my hand from Harry's, no longer wanting to be near him. I wanted to leave and never come back. 

"Before you get upset. Let me explain," He starts, "You see, in August we met. I was new and our lockers were right next to each other. We started hanging out more and more and at the end of November I asked you out and you said yes. Fast forward to the day of the accident. I couldn't make it to your game that day because I had a dentist appointment. When I heard I went to the hospital, but it was too late. Stan had already showed up and told you that you guys were dating. Your mother told me that you were fragile and telling you that Stan lied would only confuse you more," Harry explains, all in one breath. 

"Why didn't anyone tell me later? When I wasn't fragile? I ended up going back into an abusive relationship and you guys just sat down and watch? Why didn't they tell me then," I shout. Some of the worst things that have ever happened to me happened right after senior year. If they had told me when I was strong enough that maybe none of that would've happened. 

"Louis, I loved you, I still do. At the time your mom thought it would be best to keep you in a safe environment and having me around wasn't going to make things safe for you. I loved you and at the time I didn't know how to control that. I tried to be with you as a friend while you were in recovery, but the whole time I wanted to kiss you and hold your hand and tell you that I loved you. Your mom and my mom both agreed that my love wasn't safe for you anymore. If I couldn't control it then it needed to go.

"I went to a therapist for a year. Most people think it was silly, but I was erased from your live because my love for you was so strong. I had to learn, with the help of a professional, how to control that and over time I got over it. It took six years or so to finally get over you, Louis. That also happened to be the year I started teaching.

"I took a risk coming back to this town after leaving for college, but I wanted to be close to my mom, and this was the only way. My school was closing and everyone was offered jobs at your school, but I knew you worked there. I knew that if I came back here all those feelings I had repressed would come back and they did. On the first day I went home to my mother crying after I saw you, you and that stupid smile. 

"Louis, please don't leave me again. I've fallen back in love with you and I don't think I can change things this time. Being with you, even as friends was hard enough." 

I suck in a long, deep breath. This was a lot to process. I didn't even know that I knew Harry until a couple days ago. If someone had shown me a picture of Harry I would tell you he was stranger, but here he was declaring his love for me. He told me that he loved me and that it took six years to get over me. How was I supposed to believe any of this? Everything I was told was a lie. What was the truth?

"Is there proof of this," I ask, sighing. 

"I have tons of photos and memories and notebooks in my old room. I mean, we can go check it out after the camp out ends," Harry suggests. 

I finally feel like I'm getting a step ahead of this. If Harry had solid proof of our relationship in High School then I would be relieved. That would mean there would be no more secrets about that year and just the idea made me happy. 

"Yes, I would love that."


Hey guys! Ohdowehgowihg the secret is finally revealed! Who guessed it? Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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