Chapter 15

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  It took me a couple of days to get on board with the moving idea and it took Zayn a few more to even consider it. After Zayn and I had discussed everything and the three of us talked about it we had decided that I would, in fact, be moving in with Harry. It took a little time convincing Zayn that this wasn't me abandoning him, but I didn't mind waiting for Zayn to get on board. He was my best friend and I wanted him to be completely comfortable with this. 

I was glad the house already belonged to Zayn's family and was technically under his mother's name so I didn't have to put Zayn through any more stress than he already was under. The only thing I had to do was pack and leave. 

I did notice that over the week it took for me to pack up, Zayn had started smoking more and the bags under his eyes got bigger. I felt a shred of guilt eat away at me as the week went on, but it was never enough for me to unpack everything and to stay. He had reassured me multiple times that he was fine and okay with everything. I figured Zayn would have to get used to living alone anyway because we couldn't be roommates forever.

The last Saturday was hard. Zayn had insisted on us playing video games and eating unhealthy food the night before, as a finally 'guys night'. The day of Zayn hadn't even left his room. Harry had come over and helped me load all of my boxes into his car to take over to his house. I started getting excited as Harry finished getting the last box in his car. 

"Is that everything," Harry asks. He looks at me and smiles widely. We were both excited to be living together. I turn towards the house to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything only to see Zayn. He was sitting on the front patio with a cigarette in between his fingers. 

"Yeah, I think so, but uh... let me go check," I mutter, as I walk towards Zayn. He doesn't stop smoking when I approach him. He continues the cycle of bringing the cigarette to his lips, breathing it in, and breathing it out.

"Hey, are you going to be alright," I question. He shrugs, not stopping to talk to me. As he takes one particular long drag I notice the inside of his arms and the angry red marks on them. Had he been hurting himself? Was it good to go through with this if it meant that Zayn was hurting himself? Were those even scars or just something all in my head?

"Just, hang in there. This isn't the end of the world, alright? I'm just going to be around the corner and a phone call away. We'll see each other everyday at work, too" I remind him. He doesn't answer me or even spare me a glance. I sigh and head back to Harry's car. 

I climb into the car after Harry. He starts to speak, but I'm too focused on Zayn in the back wind shield. I watch him as he stands and squashes the smoke under his foot before returning back inside. 


Going back to school on Monday was pretty exciting. Harry and I had spent all weekend coming up with plans on how to live together easier. We had gotten chores assigned and figured out how we were going to split the monthly costs. It sounded absolutely boring, but it was exciting to us because it cemented the idea of us becoming roommates and taking our relationship to the next level.  

I was also nervous to see Zayn, though. I had been worried about him over the last couple of days. I had expected Zayn to be a little upset, but I hadn't imagined it would go this far. He could barely look at me, let alone speak. 

I head to the art room the following Monday morning, deciding on catching up with Zayn. I wanted to let him know that I still cared about him. As I approach his room I stop as I hear the  sound of clicking heels. What were heels doing in Zayn's art room?

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