Notes and stuff

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Hey guys! Some of you have already read this book and I'm very grateful for you doing so. However, I'm taking this book under reconstruction. The plan is for it to still be the same book, but highly edited. This editing will take out: any cringe parts, anything that doesn't flow right, grammatical mistakes, and some inaccuracy throughout the plot. Not only will I be correcting things, but I'll add some stuff too. Overall the story will be different. 

I'd be filled with joy if you decided to stick around and read the new and improved version of Mr. Coach! It would mean a whole lot and I really think if you liked the original you'll like this a whole lot more. 

This story does not contain smut. It is labeled "mature" because of the depictions of violence and mature themes. Wattpad's official definition of mature content is "contains graphic depictions of violence, sexuality, strong language, and/or other mature themes." This story falls under this category. If you came for smut please leave as you will be disappointed! 

Thanks for reading and I really hope you enjoy! ~B

Mr. Coach (Larry)Where stories live. Discover now