Chapter 17

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The week completed drained me. My schedule was busy and I was focused majorly on Zayn and work. I felt as if I was pushing Harry away, which was something I never wanted to do. Harry and I both cleared our weekend schedules so we could hang out together.

"Love, can you go and grab the box in the kitchen," Harry asks. We were cuddling together on our couch. I enjoyed laying with Harry and not feeling obligated to hold a conversation. I unwrap my arms from around Harry's waist and walk towards the kitchen. I find the black box instantly.

I hestitantly pick it up and twirl it in my fingers. What was this? I move into the living room. I stop as I see Harry was sitting up and was wearing his signature smirk. I glance at the box and back up at Harry.

"Open the box," He instructs. I open it and see a simple silver band. My mind starts running as I try to find some logical explanation for this. Harry pats the spot next to him on the couch, gesturing for me to sit next to him. I hurry and sit down, wanting an explanation.

"Harry, what is this," I ask tentatively. Harry takes the box from me and pulls the ring out.

"It's a promise ring. I know neither of us are ready to get married and, honestly, I don't even want to think about that. Well I do! I want to marry you, but not right now. God, I'm messing this up already," Harry sighs. I try not to smile at his desperate attempt to keep this serious.

"What's a promise ring?" Harry looks at me and tries to hold back a laugh. Why was he laughing at me? I huff and fold my arms across my chest. I was asking a genuine question and he was laughing at me!

"Gorgeous," Harry protests. I see him out of the corner of my eye as he tries to move forward and touch me, but I pull away. I sneak a glance at him, but look away quickly when our eyes meet. "Don't get pouty," He teases. His arms wrap around me suddenly. I try to wiggle away, but it was hopeless.

"You laughed at me! I was asking you a question because I was confused and you laughed," I huff. Harry presses a kiss below my ear. I turn my head towards him and he captures my lips in a quick kiss. I push back the smile that always appeared after we kissed. He knew me too well.

He pulls away, but keeps our hands interlocked. "I was laughing because you asked the same question when I gave you a promise ring in high school," He tells me. Of course it was about high school.

I never wanted to get mad at Harry for remembering small things like that, but it annoyed me. Harry knew me almost better than I knew me. Sure, I gained a lot of knowledge about him since we've been together, but it isn't the same. I missed out on a year of our relationship.

I push the sadness that was creeping up on me away and focus back on the conversation. "You gave me a promise ring in high school?" Harry nods and lifts one of my hands. He points out the silver band I had found in the box of origami from my mother's house.

"I gave you this ring in high school and you never took it off. I was surprised when I saw you wearing it in the beginning of the school year. I was looking at it earlier this week and figured you could use a replacement," Harry explains. I glance at the ring. I thought it was an anniversary present.

"You still haven't answered my question. What's a promise ring?"

"It's a ring you give to someone that you're committed to. It's like a stand-in wedding ring." I nod and feel butterflies in my stomach as I imagine what it must've felt like to get a ring like this in high school. It feels weird to think about me wanting to marry someone back then, but it isn't hard to believe when I imagine how much I love the man now.

"What did I say back then," I ask. I try to imagine the situation in my head. I do that a lot when I'm around him. I try to picture us in high school and being in a relationship like this. Harry was always patient with me and helped paint the picture in my head for me.

"You want to marry me," Past-Louis yelps. I can imagine what I wore back then. I imagine a baby-Harry in front of me. Harry had always been cuter than me, even in high school.

"Not now, silly, but maybe. Is it weird to think about that? We haven't been dating long, only three months, but I like imagining a life with you sometimes," Harry admits. I can see myself reaching forwards and kissing him. Harry had always been the more romantic one. "But, do you want it? You don't have to if you don't want to."

"Yes, of course I want your promise ring." I can hear my voice in my head and why Harry didn't run for the hills. Why did anyone like me back them? I shake the thought when I see Harry slipping the ring on my finger.

"Do you see it," Harry asks. I open my eyes and nod. I take off the old ring and set it behind me. "So, what do you say? Do you want to promise yourself to me?"

"Of course," I reply. Harry blushes and takes the new ring and slips it on my finger. It felt different, but in a good way. I lean in and kiss Harry's cheek. He blushes again.

"Stop, you're making me blush," He complains, pushing me away teasingly.

"You know you love it," I reply. He rolls his eyes and moves closer towards me.

"Cuddle me." I don't argue as Harry leans into my chest. I lay us down and wrap my arms around him. For the first time, in a long time, I felt content. 


Hey guys! I've been focused on a lot of Zouis chapters recently and Zayn's mental health, so here's some Larry feels. Thoughts??? Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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