Chapter 4

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(A/n) hey my cubs I know I typically do these at the end but I would like to say I'm no longer doing POV it's just a huge pain in the tail see you at the end.


Fionna had woken up at around 11ish and was excited to go to Marshal. Fionna had gotten dressed in a different outfit today she put on her black skinny jeans with rips and a bold red tanktop that said deal with it with a pair of black and red converses. When she went down stairs cake greeted her and gave her pan cakes.

"Cake after I'm done eating ima go see marshy." She said while stuffing her face. "Alright sugar lumps but be careful".

Fionna had finished eating and cleaned her self up. Now fixing her mess of hair she tied it back into a high pony tail. She put in her bunny head band she got on her birthday. She was now on her way to Marshals.

Fionna had finally gotten to Marhys after a good 15 walk. Fionna knocked on the door a few times and waited for Marsh to answer. Marshal opened the door and said "oh hey Fi, what are you doing here?". "I just wanted to see if you wanted to chill for a little". She said while noticing Marshal realize she wasn't in her normal close and she realized Marshal was shirtless and had muscle out the wazoo.

They both just stood there speechless before Marshal said something bringin them both out of a daze.

"Wanna come in find a movie while I find my shirt?" "Yea sure". Fi had finally found a movie and it was Heat Signature 4. Marshal found his shirt that for some reason was in the stove (don't ask that a holeeeeee other story). Marshal notices Fi was uncomfortable on his rock hard couch.

"Here" marshal said sitting Fi on his lap. "If you would of kept moving I would have never heard the movie" he said with a slight chuckle.

After the movie ended Fi had realized marsh had fallen asleep while floating with her. Fionna giggled and turned to straddle marshal. She poked his cheek saying "wake up sleepy head or ima have to tickle you". Marshal just grumbled and stayed partly asleep so fionna took soon her self to fully wake him up.

"Alright you asked for it". The she suddenly started to tickle marshal. He floated around laughing trying to get Fi to stop.

"Fi .... Stop ... I'm .... Awake... Hahahahahahah" "say uncle!" "Alright ... Uncle" " beat yah" she said while smirking at marshal. "Yeah but your the one straddling me" "so problem marshy? I could always get down" "NO I mean why when you look so comfy?"

"Nice save there lol" Fionna started to blush realizing the mess they made.

"Hey marsh?" "Yea fi?" "The night of my party before cake interrupted us" "yea?" "I was wondering if yo--". Fionna was interrupted by marshy leaning forward and softly her then pulling away.

Fionna just sat there turning as red as her shirt. "Fi?" "Yea marsh?" "If you turn any reder(not a word) I might have to--" he was stopped by Fionna kissing him but this time with more passion then before. While kissing Fionna wrapped her legs around marshal and he wrapped his arms around her. The fingers running each other hair. Both taking short breaks to breath then kiss again.

Now that the had finally toke a break marsh asked "hey fi" "yea?" "Will you be my girlfriend?" Fionna lent down I marshal kisses him then whispered "of course".


Hey all my bearr cubs here is the longer chapter I'm sorry the other was short. Anyways comment vote I would appreciate it! See you next update!

XxMama Bearr

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