Chapter 13

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"Gumbitch ima kill you" Fionna said grabbing her crystal retractable sword marshal got her. Fionna then tied marshals shirt back so it's up higher and put her hair in a bun. She left her tree house with the sword around her neck and walked to the candy kingdom.

"Gumball I swear when I get my hands on you your gonna be purple!". 'wow Fionna nice job purple is that all I can say for myself is fucking purple!' (if you couldn't tell if a sentence or phrase only has one ' it's a though).

After the twenty minute walk to the kingdom she burst threw the front door. "GUMBALL" "why hello darling I see you got my message" "don't EVER call me darling now where is cake!" "oh she's in the dungeon perfectly fine but you on the other hand won't be. GUARDS!".

The banana guards then grabbed ahold of Fionna and held her in the air. "is that marshals shirt?" "yea it is got a problem?" "actually yes. guards take the shirt." "WHAT".

The gumball guards removed the shirt leaving Fionna in her bra. "What the fuck gumball!" "well now that that thing is out of si--" gumball was interrupted by a kick to his gumballs and banana guards being knocked out.

"H-how" "never mess with my marshmallow". Fionna then picked up the shirt and out it back on. she punched gumball hard in the face and he got knocked out. Fionna then ran to the dungeon to find cake.

"Cake where are you!" "over here baby" "oh thank goodness your ok!" Fionna said hugging cake and untying her. "what about gumball?" "oh he's alittle unconscious right now" "baby why are you bleeding?" "what I'm not" she said looking at the cut then went from her chest to her side. "oh my glob". cake then picked Fionna up and took her to lord mochro. (he's a doctor in this).

"Lm she needs to be checked out she's cut bad". LM clicked and examined Fionna and clicked again. "oh thank goodness" "what?" "it's not deep just cut the surface it'll be sore for a while and look you already stopped bleeding". "yea your right".

Fionna and cake then went home and talked in the kitchen for a little. "baby is that marshals shirt?" "uh yea yea it is." "well it's all bloody here ill wash it and you go take a shower your all dirty ."

Fionna got up and got in the shower. She took as much time as she needed letting the warm water wash over her making her relax. she cleaned the dried blood off of her and after washing her hair and body got out of the shower. she wrapped her self in a towel and went in her room.

She went and started to close the curtains when you know who popped up. "why ruin the show?" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" she turned around and saw gumball.


Cliff hanger again! What did you think it was marshal? nah. Hi my little bearr cubs! I know the chapters where mostly Fionna and marshal so I changed it up. what do you think? should I let this play out or bring marshal back? anyways vote and commen! see you next update!

XxMama Bearr

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