Chapter 11

624 18 3

-3 months later


Fionna was walking upstairs to check on a very pregnant cake. "hey cake how are you and the babies?" "there good sweet pea due any day now". After a few minutes of talking fionna heard a noise in the kitchen. "you stay here ima see what that was" "alright baby be careful". Fionna got up and went down stairs with the sword marshal got her for their 3 month anniversary. "who's there?" fionna said walking around the corner to the kitchen. "awe your defending your using the sword I got you how sweet" marshal said in a mocking tone while turning visible. "AHHH what the glob marshal you scared the babies out of me!" "sorry I didn't mean too" "its alright" fionna said wrapping her arms around marshal and kisses him pationattly. " but if you do it again you won't be getting any fionna attention for a while." " alright point taken". "FIONNA ITS TIME ITS TIME WE GOTTA GO NOW!" cake yelled walking down the stairs.

"oh my babies marhsal the kittens monocromicorn things are coming!" "alright let's go" marshal said while turning into a giant bat picking up fionna and cake flying them to the hospital. "I'll sign her in you call lord.'' ''alright''. fionna hopped down and called lord. after about six hours of labor cake had her strange kitten chromicorn things. ''alright well have to keep you for a couple days to monitor you and your babies'' ''alright fine'' ''fionna while I'm here see if marshal will stay with you''

''alright cake I'll see you guys in a few days'' ''alright baby see you soon''. after that fionna and marshal flew to fionnas. ''hey marsh will you stay with me while cakes in the hospital'' ''yes ofcourse ''. fionna and marshal then went in and layed down. though they didn't give birth but they were extremely tired from dealing with cake. ''night marshal'' fionna said laying her head on marshals chest. ''night fi ,maybe one day that'll be you'' he said wrapping his arms around her. ''maybe one day'' and with that they were fast asleep.


hey all my bearr cubs! I'm back after weeks. I'm so sorry I havent updated but I got my iPod taken then wattpad didn't want to work again I'm so sorry. HOLY BABIES 56 READS!!!! I know its not much but its better. thank you so much for this. one more thing is that updates will be slow while I have school. I love you all! vote and comment. see you next update!

XxMama Bearr

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