Chapter 23

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-3 years later-

Fionna was chasing Rose around the entire house while Marshal was laying MJ down for bed. "Rose get back here!" "gotta get me mommy!". Rose then teleported to the ceiling. "up here mommy." "no teleporting that's cheating." Fionna said zapping Rose on the tush and she falls into Fionna's arms.

"Gotcha." "no fair!" "to bad, it's bed time sweety." "I know but I'm not

Tired!" "ill make you a deal. if you go to sleep we can all go visit the family."

"I don't wanna visit them. there so nerdy" "hehe yea... maybe Ice queen will bring IP".

"Well then if IP is going then I don't see why I can't go" "thought so" Fionna said tucking rose into her red and pink bed. "night mommy" rose and MJ said. "night babies".

Fionna then walked into her room and stretched after a long day. Today had been the twins 3 year old birthday and everyone was here expect IQ and IP they had other plans that dealt with torturing Gumball.

"Are they asleep?" Marshal asked looking at the tired Fionna. "yea I'm pretty sure." "they had fun today" "I bet. so much cake." "yea I know. so how did you get rose to lay down" "I told her if she goes to sleep we can go see the family." "she wanted to do that?" "I might have mentioned IP" "her little crush is so adorable"

"So how's Marcy and PB?" Fionna said putting on her night clothes. "there good. there settling things between the candy kingdom and the night o' sphere so they can validate the engagement." "wow. I feel sorry for them" "me too" "night marshy" "night Fionna"

Marshal gave Fionna a kiss and fell asleep.

-the next day at IQs palace-

"It's so nice to see you again Fionna and marshal." "yea it's been to long." "you don't mind that we brought Rose and MJ I figured they and IP could have a play date." Fionna said while Rose and MJ materialized infront of them. "IP is in his room. have fun." IQ said to Rose and MJ.

"Simone" "yea Fionna?" "could you do us a favor" "what is it?" "could you keep an eye on them for a little bit. I wanna do something with marshal for PB and Marcy." "yea sure no problem." "thank you so much. i owe you one."

Fionna takes marshals hand and flies off with him to the Night o' Sphere portal. "Fi what are you doing?" "helping Marcy and PB" Fionna said while walking into to portal.

Fionna and Marshal walked through the NoS and heared many people saying "is she the new queen? what is Marsha doing here? are they taking over?" as they walked to Marshals moms home. Fionna knocks on the door and his mom answers.

"Oh hello Fionna and Marshal please come in." Fionna marshal and his mom walked to her office.

"Know what can I do for you" "I think it's time for us to take the positions of King and Queen of the Night o' Sphere."

Fionna said snapping causing the Crown and Tiara to appear on the desk.

"Fionna Marshal are you sure?" "yes and. Know how this will work."

'Fi why are you doing this?' 'don't worry once we are in charge they have to listen to us and I can end the rivalry between The candy kingdom and the NoS' 'well who will be here' 'you mom. she will keep everything under order and check in weekly. and if something is serious one of us shows up and takes care of it. now stop worrying.

"How will you do this with your family?" "easy, you stay here and keep things smooth and check in weekly and if something serious happens then one of us or both to handle it" "as you wish."

"I Hannah Abadeer remove my title of Queen of the Night o' Sphere and the vampires" "I Marshal Lee Abadeer here by accept my position and king of the vampires and the night o' sphere."

"I Fionna Rose Abadeer, here by accept my position of Queen of the vampires an the night o' sphere and Make Hannah Abadeer my second in command"

The crowns then floated up and landed on Fionna and Marshals head.

"It is time to announce you." Hannah said walking to the balcony.

Hannah walked out first and called out "Creatures of the night o' sphere gather round." Millions of creatures showed up infront of the castle.

"May I introduce to you the new King and Queen of the Night o' sphere, Marshal lee and Fionna."

Then Fionna and Marshal walked out onto the balcony and waved to everyone. There was aloud uproar of noise and cheering coming from the giant crowd. "Settle down" Fionna said raising her hand and instantly silencing the crowd.

"Marshal can you summon Marcy and PB they should be here for this." "yep"

Marshal then summoned PB And Marcy and in a blink of an eye they where there. "whats up where kinda busy" Marcy said eyeballing Fionna and Marshal. "sorry Marcy but you too should be here for this." Fionna said floating above the balcony so everyone could see her. "As the Queen of the night o' sphere I here by end the rivalry between the candy kingdom and the NoS"

"Wait... what do mean queen?!" "MOM!" Marceline yelled for her mother who then came flying over.

"Why is she queen?!" "she accepted the role and so did Marshal." "so now i have to listen? to them!" "yes baby and so do I." "Marcy do you not know what she just did for us?" PB said walking over to Marceline and Fionna.

"With her ending the rivalry we can get married!" "really... thanks Fionna."

"Now then Fionna if you could come with me to the kingdom after your done here there's some things that need to be signed" PB said while walking with Marcy into the portal.

"Now that you too are King and Queen we must make it official" Hannah said

While putting her hands on there shoulders. "how" "you must first sign something and then have your portraits out up in the castle in the King and Queen spot." "alrighty lets get this over with." Marshal said pulling Fi and Hannah into the castle.

-46 minutes later-

"Ok it's official. Congratulations my liege. ill see you in a week." Hanna said waving good by to Fionna and Marshal as they returned to AAA.

"Ok let's to the Candy Kingdom. PB is waiting for us." Fionna said flying away. after they arrived at the castle they found PB in her science lab. "so what do you need us for?" Fionna said floating around the office. "I need you to sign some thing that states the feud is over" "alrighty lets go" PB and Fionna walked into PBs office area and signed the papers.

"Thank you so much Fionna this means the world to me that you would do this." PB said while hugging Fionna. "your welcome PB. it was the least I could do". Fionna said returning the hug. "hey PB your kinda squeezing a little too tight" "oh oh Fionna still so blind to the truth." "gumball?" "yea it's me" "but how... Marsh--" Gumball then gaged Fionna.

"Don't think you can get away that easy" gumball said picking Fionna up and leaving with her. "whehre arwhe gooing" Fionna said threw her gag.

"Only somewhere we know"


Duh duh DUHHHHHHH!!! hey my little Bearr cubs. what did i tell you? what's mushyness without drama? where he taking her? How will they find her? what's MJs power? till next update!

XxMama Bearr

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