Chapter 10

690 22 5

1 month later


Fionna was sleeping in her bed when she heard cake making noise in the kitchen. She lazily got up and climbed down the latter to the kitchen. "Hey cake good morning" "morning Fionna how did you sleep baby". "Fine. Anything to do today?" "Nope I guess you can just be lazy" "mathematical!" Fionna said jumpin up.

Fionna then walked into the living still in her night shirt and sat down on the couch. "Hey bmo wanna play video games?" She said while putting the bowl of strawberries down. "Of course fionna" bmo said climbing onto the table plugging in a controller.

"Haha totally just killed that troll!" Fionna said picking up a strawberry. Out of no where the strawberry lost its color and was gray. "What the glob?!" Fionna dropped the berry and looked at it. "Hey Fi" marshal said into Fionna's ear.

A chill went down Fionna's spin. "Hey marshal where ever you are" she said looking around the room. Marshal then turned visible and kissed Fionna. "Nice to see you to marshy." Marshal smirked and then floated above fionna. "Wanna play bmo with me?" "Alright". Marshal then plugged in another controller and sat down and put Fionna on his lap. "Ima so beat your butt marshal!" "Your on!"

After about 20 minutes of ranting and gloating Fionna beat marshal. "Ha told you!" "Will see". Marshal began to tickle Fionna but Fionna then got up and ran into the bathroom and locked the door. She then fixed her night clothes and taking her out of her pony tail. She then turned on the shower water letting it heat up. "What just gonna leave me out there while you shower?" Marshal said appearing behind Fionna.

"Ah marshal you scared the glob out of me! And yes I was". "Well Ill just join you then." "Cake will flip!" "Nah she said to tell you she's gonna go see lord monochromicorn" "well then" marshal began to take off his plaid shirt and his shoes. Fionna took of her night shirt and shorts and her under stuff and hoped into the shower.

After marshal finished undressing he got in with her. "No funny business I'm just trying to shower here mister." "Fine fine". Fionna then began to shampoo her hair while marshal was washing himself. "Pass me the conditioner" Fionna said whipping shampoo out of her eyes. "Thanks" Fionna finished her hair and got out and wrapped up in a towel.

"Hey I don't have a towel." "To bad I have to go change". Fionna then went into her room and got dressed into black short shorts and a red tanktop. She put her hair up into a high pony tail. Fionna walked to the bathroom and opened to the door to a still naked marshal. "Here you go" she said handing him the towel.

Fionna then closed the door and went down to the kitchen and made herself some cereal. She went into the living and tuned on heat signature and ate her cereal. Marshal then floated down to her with still wet hair and shirtless but had pants. "So no shirt?" She said staring at his abs.(I mean hello six pack of sexiness!) "nope" "why?" "You know you like me shirtless"

"You know it". She said going back to the movie. "You gonna watch of just float there?" "Oh yea duh" he said floating over to Fionna. Fionna then say on marshals lap and layed her head on his shoulder. "You know your really comfy" "apparently". Marshal then layed back and they where laying on the couch watching the movie. Fionna started to trace marshals abs with her fingers.

Marshal then started to run his fingers up and down Fionna's side from her shoulders to her upper thigh. "You know it's so nice to just lay here with you fi" "yea it's really relaxing" "hey Fi" "yea?" "I love you" "I love to to marshal". She said turning to give marshal a kiss.


Hey my little bearr cubs! Another update and it's like 2:30 in the morning so sorry if its not that great. I love you all!!! I'm hoping you guys will tell your friends so I get more reads. Anyways vote and comment! Ill see you next update!

XxMama Bearr

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