Chapter 21

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After all of marshals family left Fionna and marshal well mainly marshal cause he didn't want Fionna to do ANYTHING in her condition

"Come on atleast let me do something!" "nope your just gonna take it way for the next 9 months" "but but but!" "no buts it's our first baby and I want everything perfect." "Marshal I know that and it doesn't mean I can't help pick up wrapping paper for globs sake."

"I'm sorry but it's already done!" "oh great I'm making us some shakes. and no your not helping" Fionna said walking into the kitchen and pulling out everything needed to make them.

"Hey Fi" "yea marsh" "turn to the side I wanna get a picture of you and the baby" "ok fine". Fionna turned to the side smiled and put her hands over her stomach. 'click' "ok the shakes are done" Fionna said walking over to marshal. Marshal grabbed his shake and picked up Fionna and floated up to their room. Once they finished there shakes they layed down and fell asleep.

-Next day-

Marshal woke up first and hoped in the shower. Fionna woke up about 5 minutes after she heard the shower turn on. She got of bed and stretched. she walked over to the closet and grabbed her outfit. she walked into the bathroom and took off her clothes and got in knowing marshal was in there.

"Welcome sunshine." marshal said kissing Fionna's head. "Good morning to you too". "what's on the agenda for today Mrs. Abadeer." "well we have to meet up with cake and visit Dr.P for the sonogram and then we can just jam out." "sweet. it's been forever sense we had a jam session!"

They both got out of the shower and dried off. Fionna put her sweat pants and a Tshirt with comfy shoes. "someone's a little casual toda." marshal said snickering. "you would be if your clothes didnt fit you anymore." "true true. but then again." marshal then flexed his abs. "ok ok don't show off now we still need to get cake." "alright lets go". Fionna and marshal grabbed there umbrellas and flew over to cakes.

Fionna walked in and saw cake playing bmo. "hey cake!" "hey baby" "you ready to see the baby for the first time?" "yes! now lets go!" cake sai jumping off the couch and pulling them to the candy hospital. Cake signed Fionna in and waited for the doctor.

"Alrighty follow me" Dr.p said as she walked into one of the rooms. "ok Fionna just lay back and we will get started." Dr.p turned on a screen and squirted some weird gel like substance on Fionna. She loved the little sensor around and pointed out the head and the feet.

"Oh wait one second here." "what?!" cake and marshal said getting worried.

"It looks like we have 4 feet here." "oh my glob twins!!" Fionna an cake said at the same time. Marshal on the other hand fainted. "He just can't handle the excitement. it happens with all first time dads." Dr.P said reassuring Fionna that marshals reaction was fine.

"Cake wake him up" "alrighty." Cake shook marshal awake. "wake up donkus were about to hear the heartbeat. "wha wha. oh ok". The doctor swiveled the thing and there where two steady heart beats.

"Awwwwww" cake said tearing up. "cake you ok?" Fionna said grabbing her sisters paw. "yea I'm fine. you should has seen me at my sonogram I was full on crying." "your so mushy cake" "yea yea don't rub it in." cake said hugging Fionna. "alrighty well here are the pictures and ill see you in 2 months." Doctor princess said handing marshal the prints and whipping Fionna off.

"Alright bye Dr.P" "bye everyone." Fionna, cake, and marshal got up and left the hospital and they split and went home. once Fi and marshal got home marshal put one of the copies on the fridge. "don't you think we should send one to your mom?" Fionna said hugging marshal. "yea ill do it tomorrow" "alright. JAMMING TIME!" Fionna said while marshal just laughed and picked up his axe guitar.

(5 hours of jamming later)

"That was awesome!" Fionna said putting on her pajamas. "yea it was. I miss out jam sessions." "me to". "good night Mrs. Abadeer." "good night Mr. Abadeer." Marshal gave Fionna a very passionate and longing kiss before turning off the lights and falling asleep.


Hey my little Bearr cubs! so here's today's chapter I hope you like it. Sorry if the chapters boring I'm getting the first sign of writers block. I NEED IDEAS!!!! HELP ME! vote an comment. see you next update!

XxMama Bearr

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