Chapter 12

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Fionna woke up in her bed and couldn't fully sit up because of the arms around her waist. "morning Fi" "morning marshy" Fionna said turnin around to face marshal. "how did you sleep" "I slept fine just wondering about cake and the cat chromicorn kittens."

"I'm sure there fine" "alright" "you want any breakfast" "yea that would be nice" "alright get dressed and come down in a few". marshal then got up and floated down the stairs. Fionna was watching him go down the stairs when she realized he only had on his pants from yesterday.

'Well I could get used to that every morning' she thought to her self. she walked over to her clothes and threw off what she was wearing. she found marshals red and black flannel and put it on with black leggings. sense marshal was taller then her the shirt went down to her mid thighs.

She then put on her usual black shoes and put her hair in a high pony. she walked down stairs and saw marshal making eggs. 'damn he looks good without a shirt'. marshal didn't here Fionna come down the stairs so she quietly snuck up behind him and put her hands well hand covered sleeves over marshals eyes. "Guess who"

"Hmm my shirt, smells like strawberries and has to be on her toes to do this must be none other then my little fi" "how did you know I was on m toes" "your kinda short it was obvious" he said turning around to look at her. "you know you look good with my shirt on" "and you look good with out it" she quickly covered her mouth not meaning to say that out loud.

"I knew you always loved this bod" he said flexing his abs. "yea yea but guess what" "what?" "I may be able to see yours but you can't see mineee" "hmm I can fix that" and in flash all of the buttons on the shirt where undone exposing Fionna. "hmph that's better" "MARSHAL!" Fionna said trying to redo the buttons. "what your the one who challenged me" "did not" "well don't tease me when it comes to that" "but it's funnnnn"

"Well then, you wanna take a shower" he said picking Fionna bridal style. "oh well ok then" she said giggling. marshal then Flew up to the bathroom and more or less tore off the shirt Fionna was wearing . "you know I can undress my self" she said takin off her shoes and leggings. "yea but I do it so much better" "nah I think I do". Fionna then walked over to marshal and undid his pants and only using her thumbs pushed them down.

"Told ya." she then gave marshal a kiss. "ok fine you win" then marshal finished de clothing him self and got in the shower. "pass the shampoo marsh" "alright here" he gave her the shampoo and she washed her hair. "so that's how you smell like strawberries all the time" "yea and plus my body wash"

After about 10 minutes the door opened. "FIONNA THE DOCTOR SAI WE COULD COME HOME EARLY" "FIONNA WHERE ARE YOU" "oh glob cakes early she gonna kill me" "it's alright say your in the shower and I went home already." "Ok" "CAKE IM IN THE SHOWER" "ALRIGHT HUN HURRY UP SO YOU CAN SEE THE BABIES AGAIN". "OK"

"So I guess I'll get out and change ill see you later fi" "alright be in visible an sneak out" "yes you can keep my shirt" "yay!" "I mean uh thanks" "alright see you soon" Marshal then gave Fionna a passionate kiss and the. Got out of the shower, changed and went home.

Fionna got out of the shower dried off and out on what she was wearing before her shower. "CAKE IM DONE" Fionna said walking down the stairs putting her hair back up. "cake?" "cakeeee?" "cake where are you!". Fionna said looking around and she saw a pink note on the door:

'my dearest Fionna i have your cake and the babies are safe with lord mono but cake on the other hand might not be.

-prince gumball I mean uh no one.

"Gumbitch I will kill you!"


Cliff hanger! hey my little bear cubs I updated finally. sorry it hasn't been as recent as I hoped but school started a few weeks ago and I'm drowning in homework. OH MY BABIES 61 READS! you make your mama proud!

Vote and comment. see you next update!

XxMama Bearr

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