Chapter 22

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-9 months later-

Fionna woke up in extreme pain and grabbed ahold of marshal and squeezed him awake. "ow ow OW! oh glob Fionna! are you alright?!?!" "Yea (big inhale) the babies (exhale) are coming (inhale) it's time (exhale)." "OH MY GLOB". marshal shot up got dressed. got Fionna dressed, picked her up and flew them to the hospital.

"Nurse doctor who ever! my wife is in labor." "gahhhh contraction!" "ok ok ma'am sit down and we will take you into the delivery room. "call everyone and meet me there." Fionna said being rolled away.

(Group call to cake Marceline PB jake finn lord lady and marshals mom)

"Hey" "hello" "sup" "what's happening" "Korean stuff" "clicks" "FIONNA JUST WENT INTO LABOR!" "OH MY GLOB!" (collective voices) "WE WILL BE RIGHT THERE"

marshal hung up and flew to the delivery room. "I'm here Fi." marshal said holding Fionna's hand. "goo GAH!" one painful squeeze later. "just breath Fi" "I AM BREATHING YOU ASSHOLE!" then there was collective laughter behind the door. "come on. In guys" marshal said hiding his face. "oh boy you should of heard the things called Lord M."

"Yea that was funny... ARGH MOTHER FUCKING DICK!" "oh wow that was new" finn and marshal said at the same time. "ok unless your cake and marshal no one else is allowed in here" the doctor said shooing away everyone else. "ok Fionna it's time to push."

Marshal and cake both grabbed one of Fionna's hands. "ok on 3. 1 2 3, push!"

5 minutes of pushing later. "alright I need one last big push." "its alright you got this Fi" "1..2...3" "push!" Fionna pushes and then here's a cry. "ok that's the first one and it's a boy!"

"Awe, a nephew!" "ok one more to go Fionna" "no shit I can count.. Arghgghhjbv!" "ok ready 1...2...3"

"Push!" 5 more minutes of pushing and swearing. "ok last one" "1..2...3" "push!" with the final push the 2nd one pops out with a cry. "it's a baby girl!" "awe a niece! Ima go tell everyone" "ok ill be here." Fionna outs her head back drained of energy. "you did great Fi." "yea." Fionna leaned up and gave marshal a kiss.

"You ready to see them?" "yes!" The doctor handed both the girl and boy to Fionna. The boy had a full head of Fionna's colored hair. The girl had a full head of marshals colored hair.

"Their perfect." Fionna said smiling down and kissing both babies on the nose. Allowing them to open there eyes. the boy had marshals red eyes and the girl had Fionna's baby blue eyes.

"What are theirs names?" Marceline said standing next to everyone staring at the babies. "the girl is Rose and the boy is M.J" "M.J?" finn said curiously. "yea M.J Marshal Jr." "Awwwwwww" erupted from everyone in the room. "ok guys lets let Fionna have some rest." "ok well see you guys tomorrow!" everyone said leaving the hospital. "they are perfect Fi. and there ours."

"Yep. you wanna hold MJ?" "yes!" Marshal carefully picked up his son and looked at him. As MJ opened his eyes and saw marshal he smiled showing no teeth. "That's so cute." Fionna said looking up at marshal having a father son moment. "hey rose" Rose then opened up her eyes and smiled. "welcome to the world"

Fionna kissed Rose and MJ on the nose and layed down holding both of them and rocking them to sleep. the doctor came in and set them in the little bed things next to Fionna. "you can leave tomorrow" "alright." "now get some rest."

"Hey Fionna" "yea Marshal?" "why did you name him after me?" "because he has the best name ever. and the best man to be named after." "thanks but I'm not that great." "If you weren't that great then I wouldn't of married you or had your babies." "that's true"

"Your the best man I know marshal. your nicer then everyone says and your not evil. I know this because someone who was evil couldn't be able to love someone like how I know you love me. your my everything marshal. and now your there everything as well. I love you."

Marshal had a tear run down his eye with a actual loving smile on his face.

"Your so sweet. I still don't see how you chose me after everything instead of gumball. You are and always will be my sun. shining bright into my life and I wouldn't want it any other way. I love you too."

Marshal leaned down and have Fionna the same kiss that was given when they first said they loved each other. "marshal I have a gift for you." Fionna said pulling a necklace out of her pocket. "I've been spending years to make this for you and I finished it the day before the wedding." Fionna puts the necklace on him and he suddenly feels different. "what is this?" "it's allows us to walk in the sun. I have an anklet version."

"Fionna." "this is amazing. How did you do this." "well I spent most of the time with research, the ice queen, and with PB to help make it." "does it work?" "yes" "oh Fionna! this is amazing. after 1000 years. you have given me something no one could have ever given me."

"An what's that?" "you gave me love. you gave me happiness. you gave me a family I can call my own. And you have me back the sun." "Your welcome" Fionna said smiling and grabbing marshals hand.

"Best of all. I can spend eternity with you" "and I wouldn't want it any other way." Fionna said leaning in to marshal giving him a very loving kiss.


Hey my little bearr cubs. I hoped you liked it! I know these are really mushy but don't worry what's mush without drama? duh duh duhhhh! vote and comment! till next update!

XxMama Bearr

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