Chapter 17

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"Turn me"

"Fi I don't know"

"marshal I want to be with you forever and I've thought about it for a while now."

"Are you absolutely positive"


"well before I should tell you what it will be like"

"Alrighty". Marshal picked Fionna up and sat her on his lap.

"First you'll be able to fly and turn invisible like me. also and you already know that you can't go in the sun."

"Is there something your not telling me?"

"Yea... every vampire has some sort of power. mine is shape shifting". (twilight referance) "neat!" "that's my main concern I don't know what yours will be." "well like everything else we will have to see and make the best. It's what I agreed to when I became you wife."

"Are your sure you really wanna do this?" "yes marshal" "ok it might hurt alittle."

Marshal then pulled Fionna to him ad moved her hair out of the way. He carefully bit down on her neck and as he drank he could feel her changing in his arms. Fionna tensed up at first but then relaxed.

As marshal pulled away he saw the bite heal up and her skin just go pale. everything else was the same but she was pale. "wow Fi you still look the same just pale." "really? Neat"

Fionna jumped down from marshal and instantly started to fly around. "this is amazing!" In her excitement she turned invisible as well as marshal.

"How come I can see you now when your invisible?" "thats a perk if someone Is invisible you can see them." "sweet!". Fionna fist pumped and blue lightning shot out of her hand.

"Woe. that was new" Fionna said looking at her hands. "I guess we found your power Fi." "Algebraic!"

"Ok ok calm down before you burn down the house" "oh sorry hehe". "lets get some sleep we have to visit everyone tomorrow an you need to adjust to your new self" "alright."

Marshal and Fionna floated up to their room and layed down and fell asleep.


The next day.

Fionna woke up and yawned waking up marshal. "sheesh I didn't yawn that loud" "are you kidding you almost broke my eardrums and all the glass in the room" "how is that possible?" "all vamps have was we call 'banshe screech'." "neat. we have to go see everyone ill call them an tell them to me us in PBs castle." "alrighty lets get dressed."

Marshal put on his normal flannel shirt, skinny jeans, and red converses. Fionna put on baby blue flow top with black skinny jeans and blue flats similar to her black ones.

Fionna and marshal grabbed the umbrellas and flew to the portal to ooo. As they entered they stopped in pure terror. There was green fire and building were broken with scared candy people.

Fionna flew up to Finn and asked what's going on.

"Fionna our worst nightmare came to life." "no... you don't mean."

"The lynches have teamed up"


Duh duh duhhhhhh! what's a story without trouble? what do think? can they beat them with the joined forces of vampire power, humans, flames, and technology? find out next time!

Hello my little Bearr cubs! do you like the chapter? the competition I'm doin is still open! HOLY BABIES 325 READS! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! vote and comment! see you next update.

XxMama Bearr

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