Chapter 15

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-1 year later-

Today's the day and Im so excited! Fionna though as she, cake, Marceline, and princess bubblegum where getting ready in the brides room.

"Honey I know your only 18 but I still couldn't be happier that your with marshal!" "yea Fi I still can't believe you got my brother to fall for you".

"He's my world I couldn't do anything without him". Fionna said putting her hair up in a bun with curls hangin down. "Fionna" said PB "I am so sorry for the way my brother acted and thank you for coming to ooo to tell me".

"Your welcome you deserved to know what your brother has been up to. speaking of brother finn and jake are here right'" "yep with marshal in the grooms room"

"Alright how does the gown look".

Fionna stood up revealing her wedding gown. It was white with a red bow tied around it. it was fitted at the top and poofed out mid waist. the top had red patterns on it that faded to white as it went down.

"Fionna you look gorgeous" they all said at the same time. The brides song started to play. "oh baby it's time!" The brides maids got Into position and the doors opened.

As the music played Fionna walked down the isle. Marshal looked at her with love in his eyes. Once she got to the altar the preacher (ice queen) started.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of man and wife". "they have written there own vows".

"Fionna. you mean the world to me. the day we met was the best of my existence. I know we didn't start off great but I'm glad to have you now. I love you with all my heart Fionna and I have sense the day I layed eyes on you". After the 'awes' died down Fionna spoke.

"Marshal, you have no idea how much you mean to me. I remember the day we met perfectly. I was 14 at the time and had just gotten rejected by PG. I was outside in the grasslands crying my head off when you came. You sat beside me, a little stranger and comforted me. That was the best day of my life as well. Now the rest of my days will be even better. I love you with all my heart and soul Marshal Lee Abadeer. it would be my honor and pleasure to be your wife".

After that the ice queen spoke again.

"Do you Marshal lee take Fionna to b your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to hold, in sickness and in Heath, for better or for worse, till death do you part?" "I do". "do you Fionna take Marshal lee to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love an to hold, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, till death do you part?" "I do".

"Then I now pronounce you man and wife. you may kiss the bride".

Marshal grabbed Fionna and leaned her back while kissing her pationatly. everyone in the crowed cheered And cried. Fionna turned around and tossed her bouquet of flowers. Marceline caught them and looked at PB and blushed. Marshal picked Fionna up bridal style and carried her to the reception room in PBs castle.

It was decorated with picture of Fionna and marshal. blue and red everywhere. In the center of it all was a statue of Fionna and marshals kiss that was carved out of ice. Fionna was blue and marshal was red and where they touched created purple.

Cake got up on stage and started the speeches. "first I would like to say congrats to the new abadeers and that I love you both to the moon and back. second I want to show you this" the. A slide show of Fionna and marshal played.

It had photos starting at when they first met to all the things they did as the years past to currently to marshal proposing and then the wedding and the final kiss that matched the statue.

"I love you baby girl and so does he" and with that everyone cheered and toasted to Fionna and marshal.

"It's time for the bride and grooms first dance"!. everyone cleared and Fionna and marshal walked to center floor. the song "ill be" played. Fionna wrapped her arms around marshal and he put her hands on her waist.

"Fionna I can't believe we made it." "I know. I love you mr. abadeer". "I love you mrs. abadeer."

Marshal leaned in and kissed Fionna with passion and love. marshal began floating while holding onto Fionna. as the song ended the landed back on the floor.

"I changed my mind marshal" "about?" "this is the best day of my life".


Hi my lil Bearr cubs! Tada! the wedding! don't worry I'm not done this story yet. OH MY GLOB! 128 READS LAST TIME I CHECKED THERE WAS 72! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! I love you all! vote and comment! see you next update!

XxMama Bearr

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