Chapter 1

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(Fionna starts off as 17)

~Fionna's POV

"Oh my glob! Why is this taking so long, I'm tired of wearing this blindfold." Fionna said as cake was preparing her for PBs ball tonight. Fionna thought to herself "this is the night I tell PB how I really feel".

~Cakes POV

"Hush baby, and stop moving you'll mess up the dress!" Cake said as she was putting the final touches on the dress I had worked so hard on. I had already finished her makeup and hopes she hadn't messed it up. Now it was time for her hair. I pulled off her hat and she wasn't the happiest. "Hey why can't I wear my hat!" Fionna said upset. "Because it doesn't go with the dress. Now hold still while I curl ur hair." I had started to curl her long hair that fell to her mid back. I had talked her into getting it cut sense she kept tripping. "Finally finished" cake said while pulling off Fionna's blindfold. "You can look now baby cakes".

~Fionna's POV

I walked over to the mirror after cake said I could look and I must say she did an amazing job! Even though I didn't like the fact I could wear my hat or that I had to wear a dress but it's only for tonight. I had on a baby blue dress the was fitted at the top that then around mid waist was bell like. My hair was in loose bouncy curls and I had on baby blue eyeshadow that matched my dress and eyes. "I hope PB likes it." I mumble to myself.

~authors POV

Cake tied a baby blue bow around her neck and told Fionna to hop on as she grew so she could take then to the ball being held for Fionna's 17th birthday.

Fionna thought it was a bit much but cake didnt she was ecstatic so she worked on her dress for 3 weeks with a couple of breaks here and there. Nothing was gonna mess up her day.

~20 minutes later~

As they showed up the party was in full swing and instead of PBs usual pink decorations they were all blue.

~Pb's POV

I was talking to one of the guests when Fionna walked in and she looked amazing. I walked over to her and we started to chat. "So Fionna do you pile the party and happy birthday". "I love the party thank you". After that I lead her to the dance floor for the fist slow dance the played and that's when HE came in.


Cliff hanger!!! I guess lol I'm sure you can guess who it is ill try to update soon. Sorry if this didnt turn out right in trying ok? Vote and comment it helps to keep me motivated. Bye my little bear cubs see you next chapter

XxMama bearr

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